Page 4 of Cade

“Thinking about anything in particular?”

She shook her head. “Just work, as always.”

“Well, I have something to distract you,” Kayla grinned.

“Is it more work?” April teased.

“Nope. You're going to try a blind date. I need you to test the new system for me because I trust you, but also because you haven’t gone to the old one, so you won’t be biased.”

April stared at her friend, trying to decide if she was serious. “No way. I don’t have time to eat most days, much less to date.”

“All the more reason,” Kayla pressed. “Please do this for me?”

“No way. I am not letting you manipulate me into one of these dates. I am good right now. Find someone else to be your guinea pig.” April stood and carried her trash to the bin while trying to calm herself down.

April knew about the deal between Evan’s friends because Kayla had told her. She didn’t know who was next, but she was worried enough that it was Cade that she couldn’t do this.

“Please, April. I’ll be your food alarm forever if you do this,” Kayla begged.

“I can’t. I really don’t have time,” April said gently. It was the truth.

“Just one. That’s all I ask. Please?” she continued.

“Kayla,” April started. “I just can’t right now. Plus, I already know it will be one of Evan’s friends, so isn’t that a lot like cheating?”

“You don’t know which one,” Kayla pressed.

“I don’t want to date a billionaire,” April said. “That and there’s a one in three chance. I know who it is before I get there. Odds are even better for after I meet them.”

“Fine,” Kayla sulked. “Let’s get this contract done so I can get back to it. You’re still going to come by after the kitchen is open again for dinner with me, right?”

“Of course,” April smiled. She had no hard feelings for Kayla over her trying to set her up. It wasn’t the first time and probably won’t be the last one.

They spent the next half an hour adjusting the contract for Kayla to take with her. Perks of knowing your contract lawyer this well was that you got to get your changes done in real time and end your appointment with the finished copy.

“Are you sure I can’t convince you?” Kayla asked again as they stood to leave.

“How many times have you tried to set me up?” April asked.

Kayla shrugged, but had to good grace to look sheepish.

“Have I ever said yes?”

“Maybe if you said yes once in a while, I wouldn’t ask so much?” Kayla teased.

The women hugged quickly and as they stepped back, Kayla took April’s hand. “I just want you to know I am really worried about you. Please take care of yourself better?”

“I’m trying,” April promised. “I’ll see you later.”

She caved. It took an hour after Kayla left for her to give in and text her.

April: Okay, fine. I’ll go on your dumb date.

Kayla: Yay!! I’m not even going to ask what changed your mind because I want to capitalize on this before you can change it again.

April: LOL. Well, it probably won’t work out, but I’ll go ‘test things’ for you.

Kayla: Nope, not baiting me so you can change your mind again. Putting you in the system now. Download the app.