Page 25 of Cade

April nodded again.

“I will leave you to it, then. Here is my card. My personal cell is on the back. Call me if you need anything, but especially if it’s revenge on my hardheaded brother.”

She took the card. “I’m not sure what to make of all this,” she confessed.

“Me either, but it’s intriguing.”

April left the woman at her desk and headed back for the elevator. There was something touching about that encounter because she believed that Catherine would have her back if she needed it, and that was weirdly comforting coming from his sister.

Chapter Twelve


Cade studied the information on his computer screen. There had to be something that he could use to find his parents. He needed to find them and the fact that they could hide this well was blowing his mind.

He needed to know how close his father was to him and what resources he may have access to. It would change everything to locate him.

Catherine had called just a few minutes ago to let him know she wasn’t able to get anything from their mother when she called. As a matter of fact, her mother had been offended when Catherine had pressed her about where they were. Thinking it was odd, Catherine had called him right away.

Not wanting to let her in on what was going on yet, Cade just told her he’d keep looking into it. She didn’t buy his nonchalance about it, but she let it go. He was trying to protect her from the fallout that was coming once it came out that their father was behind all of this.

Cade’s phone vibrated on the desk in front of him. A slow grin spread across his face as April’s name flashed across the screen. She knew what he’d done, no doubt.

“Lauren,” Cade called from his chair to her. “You can take the rest of the day off after you clear my schedule.”

She didn’t respond via intercom, instead she walked into his office. “Why?”

“You get a day off, with pay, just take it,” he told her.

Lauren put her hands on her hips. “You look like the cat who ate the canary. What did you do?” she asked.

Cade shook his head. “For once since getting with Jake, would you just not question me and carry on with what I asked? You know, that job I pay you to do?”

“You like when I question you. That’s why I even have this job, so that I’m not your ‘yes man.’ You told me that.” She rolled her eyes.

“I have other company coming and I would like a bit of privacy, Lauren. Happy?”

“Not even close. Who is coming?”

“You’re overstepping, Lauren.”

“I’ll tell your sister, Cade.” She tapped her foot as though she were impatient.

“April,” Cade conceded.

“Maybe I should stick around and video her tearing you a new one. I know that the two of you go way back.”

“Naturally, the glares and silent treatment gave me some clue that you knew things. Please, cancel my meetings and I’ll see you tomorrow.” Cade let his eyes go back to his computer screen. He didn’t comprehend a single word on the screen, but it told Lauren in no uncertain terms that she was dismissed.

He was rewarded when Lauren walked out of his office, muttering to herself. He didn’t catch it, but knew it was something negative about him. It was a good thing they were all friends, and he knew she didn’t hate him in the end. She was right that he had hired her because she had challenged him some.

She wasn’t defiant, but if he needed an honest opinion, she always gave it. Since dating Jake, she had grown in her confidence and he no longer had to ask for her opinion. She always gave it.

“That’s it.” Lauren’s voice came through the intercom. “I moved everything. I went ahead and blocked off tomorrow, just in case.”

“Thank you. Please take the day with pay.”

“Oh, you can bet I am.”