Page 10 of Cade


“Now I know you’re a liar.”

“Mother called. I’m really worried about Father,” Catherine bit her lip.

“Do you know where he is?” Cade hadn’t been able to locate him anywhere, which was impressive given the number of resources he had at his disposal.

Catherine shook her head. “Mother wouldn’t tell me, which is weird, right?”

“Definitely,” Cade agreed.

“You know something,” Catherine accused him. “I know you do, so tell me.”

“I don't know anything.” He sighed and gave in. “I think I might know something and when I know for sure, I promise I will tell you. This is too important.”

“Or you could ask for help, Cade. I’m not twelve, I actually could be of use.”

“I don’t doubt it, but it’s not good things and I don’t want to drag you down in it until I know for certain.”

“What kinds of bad things?” There was caution in her voice now.

“Nothing we wouldn’t survive. Just keep doing what you do, and I will let you know if there is anything to share soon.”

She looked like she wanted to ask more, but stopped. “Fine. Then tell me what you were doing sitting here with the TV off in the half-dark by yourself.”

Cade groaned. “Thinking.”

“About?” Catherine pressed.

Screw it. He could talk to her because, aside from her name, Catherine knew about April and he’d get to get everything off his chest.

“Do you remember the woman I dated back in college?”

Catherine’s eyes got huge. “Is the date with her?”

Cade shook his head. It would defeat the entire purpose of the date if everyone found out. “No. I’ve just been thinking about her more lately.”

“Because you still miss her. And you know that means you should reach out to her again. She should know that she’s on your mind. I don’t know why you let Father push you away from her anyway.”

“You do know why.”

“Not everything is your burden to bear alone, Cade. You should have told me and let me see if it was worth it for me.”

“He threatened her too.” Cade has steel in his voice.

“I know he did, but she might have told you something like you being worth the risk. I’ve never seen you so light and happy as when you were talking to her, like ever.” Catherine rose and came over to him. “I miss Cade, who was a little less stressed about everything.”

Cade accepted her hug with a nod. “That won’t happen again.”

“Be careful Cade, things like that have a way of coming back around and biting us in the ass.”

“Even without Father, I don’t think she wants anything to do with me, so can’t blame her there. Besides, if she didn’t meet his requirements then, she definitely wouldn’t now, which would only cause more strife.”

“Some things are worth it.”

“Not me.”

Catherine slipped her shoes back on. “I’m heading home. Do something about those thoughts.” With that, Catherine let herself out, leaving Cade standing alone with his thoughts in his own apartment.