Leaning in, he allowed himself a moment of relief, grinding his cock into Jay’s back as he rocked slowly. He rubbed his cheek against Jay’s, another contrast, the faint prickle of evening stubble and the sliding silk of fine black hair. Jay bared his neck with barely a prompt, and Henry took the offered flesh. Tanned from Jay’s daily rides, clean and sweet-pine sharp from his post-work shower. Hard kisses spurred Jay’s spiraling whimpers, which in turn fed Alice’s restless shifting as her breaths grew shorter.

Enough anticipation. He cloaked his mouth with his hand and whispered in Jay’s ear. “Watch her. Listen to her need. I’ll call for your excellent service soon.”

He lifted the flogger as silently as possible and stood; his pants rustled as the creases shook out and fell straight again. Alice breathed like prey now. Eyes tightly closed, or they’d surely be darting side to side, hunting for the looming threat he represented in this game.

He swung.

She rocked forward under the full weight of the falls on her ass. Alternating sides, he created a simple pattern. She swayed with his rhythm as her cheeks pinked and her breath vibrated in delightful moaning exhales. Fast figure eights would tire his wrist eventually, but the speed overcame Alice’s ability to mire herself in analysis. Now she could do nothing but exist in the moment at his direction.

“Your body sings to me, my beautiful blushing girl.” The faster he swung, the greater the sound filling the space. The flogger’s thud and slap, the low urgency of Alice’s moans, the hungry whines as Jay waited for his prize. “Let the crescendo build. Let it sweep over you and take you with it.”

He didn’t ask her to keep the count. Such an exercise could be excellent for focus, but his Alice needed none of that. Focus came easily to her. She struggled in letting go, in drifting and trusting him to keep her aloft as she flew.

Her neck dipped, shoulders easing with surrender for all that tension flexed her welcoming thighs. He worked the tails lower, mindful of the shirt sliding on her skin as she pressed toward the thudding pressure he wielded.

Jay, beside his feet, sat in rapt fascination. With each swing, Henry spun through the calculations—would the weight be enough for Alice’s full enjoyment? Would the sting from striking the same spot too often elicit a pained cry and trigger Jay’s fears? And all of it, all the analyzing, the responsibility, the control: in his hands alone. His artistry to shape perfection for his loves. No project could be grander.

Desire glazed Alice’s lips with the shine Jay craved. Her arms shook in concert with her thighs. Her moans changed pitch, grew guttural and pleading. Henry snapped the falls between her legs in a heavy pendulum swing.

She wailed through her orgasm. Collapsing against the chairback, she clung to the plump padding as her back arched and her legs thrust her against empty air.

Frenzied yearning battered at him, demanding he drop the game and fuck her now, possess this wild creature driven mad with desire by his hands. With gritted teeth, he took a slow breath and savored the knife-edge of pleasure. Stilling the flogger at his side, he bent and laid a hand on Jay’s shoulder. “Discover how she tastes, my boy.”

Jay launched himself into the gap, twisting his back against the base of the chair and tipping his head beneath Alice’s rolling sex. As Jay closed his mouth over her, her gasp stirred pulsing heat in Henry’s cock. Again he tamped down the restive hunger. Jay would have his reward first, both for waiting patiently and for successfully enjoying a flogging scene. Observation would become participation someday.

“Is our girl sweet and succulent, ripe with juice running down your chin, a midsummer peach soaked in honey and brandy?”

Jay clutched Alice’s reddened cheeks in his splayed hands as he feasted, his throat working, his chest outthrust, his cock standing tall and dripping onto his muscled abdomen. He whined with pleasure, greedy whimpers as he valiantly drove her toward a second peak.

“Is she the taste you have craved all day, the scent that floods you with hunger? That makes your cock stiff and aching?”

Incoherent moans emanated from both of his lovers as Alice trembled, all but limp, and Jay sagged head and shoulders to the seat cushion.

Henry slicked his fingers in the heat of her, his cock a demanding wave crashing against confining clothes. He wrapped his fist around the base of Jay’s erection and took long, tight strokes, up over the head with his thumb and back again. “Show me. Show me how much you enjoyed your feast.”

He held Jay’s adoring brown gaze as moans and whimpers parted sinfully sweet lips coated in Alice’s desire. Jay’s cock heated his palm, solid in his grip. He worked at an ever-increasing pace. Jay bobbed his hips with the movement, fucking Henry’s fist. Even Jay’s knees drew up tight to his body as he came with a full-throated shout and spattered his chest.

“Excellent.” Henry claimed a messy kiss, sampling Alice on Jay’s tongue. The heady taste of control, all of their needs and wants bound to his purpose. “Well done.”

Raising a hand, he caressed Alice’s thigh—the soft inner skin untouched by the suede. Her giddy giggle erupted alongside a full-body shiver. Floating in subspace, perhaps. Delightful. He might yet coax another peak from her.

Featherlight pressure at his cock had him squeezing Jay’s fingers in an instant. His playful submissive grinned lazily at him, then tipped his head back and gazed pointedly at Alice’s spread thighs.

“Yes, my brilliant boy.” He growled low for the flicker it brought to Jay’s eyes, then let Jay unfasten his pants. His cock sprang free, hard and insistent. “I do indeed intend to rectify that situation next.”

Jay shuffled back and sprawled on the rug beside him, watching.

Henry slid between Alice’s lips, teasing her clit with the head of his cock and clenching his teeth against the urge to sink himself immediately. Her back dipped, her hips and shoulders rising as she silently begged for more contact. He wrapped one hand around the wheat-blond waves swirling at her shoulder blades and tugged.

She whimpered as sweetly as Jay.

He clamped the base of his cock in his other hand, guiding his brushing passes, building the pace as he listened to her breathe. The quivering in her thighs became small jumps, then disorganized jerks as her breathing lost rhythm. Low moans grew into a whispering waterfall of words, and he strained to make them out without missing a stroke.

“Yes…need…just…” She breathed between words, loud in the silent room. “Boost…little…push…almost…”

“A big push,” he whispered, dropping into the liquid tones so useful for courting arousal. “You’ll have it, my sweet girl.”

He groaned with relief as he sank into her and dug his hand into the side of her ass, her warm, rosy skin a testament to the flogging she’d relished. She hissed and moaned, thrusting her hips toward him with fervent intensity. He joined her with heavy thrusts, coiled hunger driving him forward, demanding the satisfaction he’d promised. Heat and wetness and building pressure all around him. The rush hovered seconds away. Not without her. He tightened his grip on her hair. Pressed his thumb deeper into the marked flesh of her ass. He growled.