"I'm not moving there. I can't give up my independence."

"No, but you can meet halfway. You can figure out a new way for your life to look, one that's even better than before."

"I guess, but—"

"Sofia." Jocie caught her arm. "Listen to me."

Sofia bit her lip. "What?"

"You were terribly scarred by a bad man. I know what that's like, and I know it sits in your heart forever, and makes you not want to try again. I know that. You know I know that, right?"

Sofia nodded, emotions clogging her throat.

"But sometimes, despite our best efforts to stay alone, the universe gives us a gift. A person we can trust. We found that with each other, right? Friends til the end of time."

"Til the end of time," Sofia agreed.

"And what if Keegan's the same? Someone who will love you and have your back until the end of time? Are you going to hide from it? Make up reasons not to try?"

"I feel like that's not a bad plan—"

"It's a terrible plan. You're a smart, badass chick now. You don't need to hide anymore. He seems wonderful, and the vibe between the three of you is magical. Don't run and hide, Sofia. Live life. Trust your heart."

"It was wrong before," she whispered. "And I almost died for it."

"I know, baby," Jocie said gently. "But you're not that person you were before. That was sixteen years ago. You were young, scared, pregnant, and desperate, and disempowered by a loser of a dad. Now you're a smart, protective, financially secure mama bear who doesn't need anything from a man. That means you're in a position of power, so it's time to trust yourself and go live life."

Sofia let out her breath. "I want to, but this…" She tapped her fingers to her heart. "Is scared."

"I know. It's scary. But the man wore a prosthetic so he could come to your party. And he makes you glow. I think it's worth it."

Sofia took a breath, then asked the question that had been weighing on her. "What if he wants me only so that he can have Gabby? What if I'm the path to his daughter?"

"With the way he looks at you, there's no chance of that," Jocie said. "Sofia, you're an amazing woman. It's time you saw that, and trusted that your worth being loved by good people."

At that moment, Gabby and Keegan came back into the store, both of them laughing at something Gabby was telling him. It was such a sweet moment, the two of them together. Her heart turned over. "I want to hug him for accepting Gabby so completely."

"Then hug him. And then tackle him while you're at it." Jocie winked at her. "I'd tell you if I thought you were at risk with him, but I don't think you are." She gave her a quick hug. "Let's go finish up this party, and then you can figure out whether you want to date this old man or not."

She stepped away, waving her hands. "Okay, ladies and gents! It's time for the raffle giveaways! All proceeds go to the local women's shelter, as you all know. Sofia, it's prize time."

This was always her favorite part of the event. They got enough donations from local businesses and authors that they were able to put together fifty raffle baskets, which meant that most people got them. The joy people had when their name was called was infectious, ending the night on a high note. "Gabby and Kevin? Do you guys want to deliver the baskets?"

Both of her favorite humans said yes, and Sofia smiled as they made their way up to the front. Little Millie was sleeping on a chair by the fire, leaving them free to deliver happiness to the people she loved.

As she fished the first raffle slip out of the jar, her gaze slid to Keegan. He was watching her, and flashed her a grin that made her insides turn over. What would happen when everyone left? Would Keegan leave? Did she want him to? Or did she want to invite him into her sanctuary?

She didn't know.


An hour later, Sofia stood in the door of her store, watching as Keegan and Gabby drove off for ice cream. Everyone had left, including Jocie. The store was cleaned up. The party over for another year.

Keegan had invited her to join him and Gabby for ice cream, but Sofia had declined.

She wanted Gabby to have her own relationship with Keegan, so her daughter would be secure with him no matter what happened between the adults.

But watching them drive away created such intense longing in Sofia that she almost ran out the door after them to flag them down.