"You're powerful. Rich. Famous. You're my kid's dad, and she loves you. You're standing on the precipice of having total control over my life, and that's without me even falling in love with you again. What the hell am I thinking? Asking you to go to bed with me? I'm not that much of an idiot. I really am not."

Shock ripped through him. "You're falling in love with me?"

"No. I said I'm not going to make that mistake again. Not with you. Not with anyone. I'm just not—"

At that moment, they both heard a snicker. They spun in time to see a pair of teenage boys standing there recording them with their phone.

Sofia sucked in her breath.

Oh, shit. Keegan headed toward them. "I'm going to need you guys to delete that right now."

The boy with the phone held it up, continuing to film as Keegan approached. "Can I have your autograph?"

Behind him, he heard Sofia's footsteps as she sprinted down the hall. He wanted to go after her, but it was more important that he keep that video off the internet. "Guys. You need to stop recording." His instinct was to lunge for them and rip the phone out of his hand, but the Harts prided themselves on being better than that.

They didn't stop recording. "Yes, that's right," the teenager said, "we're live streaming Keegan Heart and his girlfriend from Moose Lodge in Washington. Does anyone know who she is? Please put her name in the comments, if you do!"

Urgency coursed through him. Fuck it. Keegan leapt forward and snatched the phone from the guy's hand. He immediately stopped the video, and hit delete, but not before he saw there were already two hundred comments. He swore. "How long were you videoing us for?"

The teenager had the decency to look embarrassed. "Since you guys came out into the hall."

Shit. Keegan looked down at the phone, then swore. "You have over ten million followers?"

"Yeah. I'm AceThree on—"

"I don't care." Keegan shut the phone off. "Post anything about her again, and my lawyers will be on you so fast you won't know what hit you." As a public person, he had limited resources available to stop the streams, but it was different with Sofia.

"Sure." The kid sounded completely unbelievable. "Give me my phone back. You can't keep it. Who is she to you?"

Keegan ground his jaw, trying to decide the right way to handle this. After a moment, he decided on honesty. "That woman is in danger. If the wrong person sees your video and figures out where she is, she could be in trouble. I'll do a video for you if you want, but you gotta keep her off your feed. Get it?" He let his urgency show, trusting that the kid was a decent kid.

Sure enough, his eyes widened. "No shit?"

"No shit."

"How much danger?"

"I'm trying to figure that out exactly, but I would appreciate it if you kept everything about her offline."

The teenager nodded. "Yeah, sure." Then he grinned. "About that video of you?"

Keegan sighed. He needed to go after Sofia, but ensuring her physical safety came first. "Yeah, you got five minutes."

The kid's face lit up. "Cool." He unlocked his phone. "Let's do it."


Just around the corner, Sofia closed her eyes and leaned her head back against the wall, listening as Keegan started doing the interview with the teenager.

He'd handled it perfectly, getting the video offline, but still being a good guy.

Her ex would not have been nice to the boy in that situation, which showed that Keegan was different.

She knew he was different.

But her old instincts wouldn't let her believe it.

She'd freaked out and lost her mind when she'd invited herself back to Keegan's room. Scared herself so badly that she'd literally gone into panic mode and run for her life.