Gabby's eyes widened. "He said that?"

"Several times."

"And he meant it?"

"I think he did."

"Wow." Gabby rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. "Just, wow."

"I know." Sofia stretched out beside her daughter and clasped her hands behind her head. "Can I ask you something?"


"Would you want to move here with him instead of being in Seattle with me?"

Gabby sat up. "Move here without you?" She looked horrified. "Is that what this trip is about? You're going to dump me?"

"God, no! I just…I got scared that he was cooler than I was, and you'd want him instead of me."

"Mom! That's the stupidest thing you've ever said, and you've said a lot of stupid things!"

Sofia started laughing through the tears that she hadn't noticed arrive. "I'm not perfect, Gabby. You're my world. I get insecure, too."

"Well, it's still stupid." Gabby curled up next to Sofia, tucking against her side like she did when she was little. "I love you, Mama. Always and forever. To the moon, the stars, the universe and back, times infinity."

Sofia put her arm around her precious baby. "And I love you, Gabriella. Always and forever. To the moon, the stars, the universe, to New York, back to the stars, times infinity."

"Yay." Gabby pressed her face in Sofia's shoulder. "What happens next, Mama?"

"I don't know."

"You think he'll stay in touch?"


"Okay." Gabby was quiet for a moment. "Are you going to get back together with him?"

Oh, Lordy. "It's too complicated."

"It would be okay with me." Gabby whispered the words.

Sofia smiled. "Because he's rich?"

"No. Because when he says something funny, you smile all the way to your eyes."

Oh. Wow. "I don't usually smile all the way to my eyes?"

Gabby shrugged. "Sometimes, but not like when he says something funny. It's just different." She cocked her head. "You look really beautiful when you're listening to him. Like… I don't know."

Gabby's observation stunned Sofia. The teenager was sixteen, an age notorious for noticing nothing but their own lives, and certainly not their parents. "Wow. That's surprisingly deep for a sixteen-year-old."

Gabby grinned. "I know, right? Don't get used to it. I'll probably steal your car tomorrow or something, and everything will be back in line again."

Sofia laughed. "We can only hope, but you're never driving again."

"Of course not. I definitely believe you."

"I'm serious. I'm going to become one of those hardcore parents, now that you've proven yourself untrustworthy."