"It's an overnight trip."

Sofia blinked. "Overnight?"

Bella winked. "Yep. A sleepover. We rented rooms at a nice hotel in the mountains, so I'm sure there are plenty of rooms for all."

Oh, God. Sleeping in the same building as Keegan? She'd never survive it.


Thirty minutes into their drive, Sofia knew she was in trouble. As far as awkward moments went, she was pretty sure she'd found the winner.

Not just an awkward moment. It was a painful, interminable arduous awkwardness…and they'd only been in the car for a half hour.

How was she going to get through the next twenty-four hours?

She'd considered bolting about a thousand times, but every time, she would watch Gabby leaning forward over the seat, to chat excitedly with Keegan and Bella.

The bond was growing fast between the three of them, which was both great and terrifying.

Was she going to lose her kid to this exciting, rich, big, celebrity family?

Bella and Keegan had tried to get Sofia to sit in the front seat, but she had declined. This was about Gabby, not her. Well, maybe it was also about her facing Keegan and unraveling what had been so tangled up for so long, but that conversation wasn't going to happen until they were alone…which wasn't when the four of them were sharing his truck.

Keegan hadn't looked happy when Sofia had refused the front seat, but he'd given her that thoughtful, assessing look again, and then conceded.

She'd been happy at first to be able to retreat, but now, as she sat there in the corner of the back seat, she felt like she didn't fit. The other three tried to engage her in conversation, but she just felt too uncomfortable.

Maybe it would have been better if she and Keegan had had time to really talk. Right now, there was so much unsaid that it made the air thick with emotion. At least for her.

Her phone dinged, and she looked down to see a text from Jocie. You're staying with him tonight? Seriously? Baby #2?

Sofia felt her cheeks heat up. Don't even. It's incredibly awkward. We haven't even had a chance to speak more than a minute because Bella and Gabby are here.

You need to ditch them, then.

Sofia sighed. She's my kid. He's her dad. I'm not going to ditch her so I can be alone with him.

Babe, you can't be a good mom if you don't take care of yourself. You have to get him alone. Hash it out. Get naked.

Sofia paused for a moment as Keegan, Bella, and Gabby burst out laughing. Her heart turned over at the sound of pure joy and adulation in her daughter's voice, and the way she gazed at Keegan as if he were her hero. She looked down at her phone again. I'm scared, Jocie. I'm scared I'm going to lose her to these people and this life.

F*ck that. You're one of a kind, and Gabby knows it. You guys have a bond that will never break. You're good. She's good. Enjoy the ride. And make sure you're back by Monday night when we have the Christmas party. You can't miss that.

The Christmas party. She'd forgotten about that. Okay. Thanks.

Get him alone. You guys have to talk, especially if he and Gabby continue to build a relationship. Even if you don't get naked, you have to get comfortable with him.

I know. I know. You're right. I'll find a way. She looked up suddenly and saw Keegan watching her in the rearview mirror. His gaze was intense and thoughtful, rich with unspoken words. Her belly turned over as she realized that Keegan was as aware of her as she was of him.

He'd seemed to be entirely focused on Gabby, but he was still waiting for that moment with her.

Excitement and nervousness warred in her, and she averted her gaze, too agitated to smile at him. She knew, though, that he was going to make sure they had time to talk tonight.


And then all the truth would have to come out.

* * *