Oh, God. "What else did you tell them?"

"Nothing, I swear. Just not to tell anyone."

Movement behind Gabby caught Sofia's attention. She tensed and looked behind her daughter, but it wasn't Keegan. It was a woman, maybe around thirty. She was in jeans, a cowboy hat, and winter boots. "Hi," she said, "I'm Bella. I don't know if you remember me, but we met back then."

Sofia swallowed. "I remember meeting you, but I wouldn't have recognized you."

"I was a homeless waif back then. Not much to recognize today." Warmth filled Bella's eyes. "It's great to see you again. You have a wonderful daughter."

Sofia smiled as Gabby pulled away. "I know. She's my whole heart—" At that moment, Keegan walked into the tavern.

Her breath caught when she saw him. He was taller than she remembered, broader. He was wearing a cowboy hat, jeans, and a dark blue shirt open at the neck. He was pure muscle and man, and every bit of her body seemed to come alive at the sight of him. And there was a tiny, scraggly dog peeking out from the front of his jacket. "Holy crap," she whispered.

"Right? He's magnetic." Bella tugged on Gabby's arm. "Let's hit the bathroom while the grownups are distracted."

Gabby grinned. "Bye, Mom! Love you!"


"It might take us a while. You know how long it takes girls to go to the bathroom," Bella said. "Great to see you again, Sascha!" The two made a break for the bathroom, ignoring Sofia's attempts to stop them.

She could tell Gabby was safe and happy with Bella…family that Gabby deserved to know.

But she didn't want to be alone with Keegan. Maybe she should run for the bathroom, too…

But her feet seemed stuck to the floor.

Her heart pounding, she watched Keegan. When his gaze met hers, he stiffened, and came to a complete stop, his hand moving to rest on the dog's head, as if he was grounding himself through the shaggy little canine, which was just too adorable for her to even deal with.

For what felt like an eternity, neither of them moved. They just stared at each other across the dimly lit tavern.

Dear God. He was breathtaking. Not in a sculpted model kind of way. In that rough, untamed, protective way that had captivated her so long ago.

Attraction? Still there. Crap.

He began to walk toward her, and her heart seemed to beat faster with each step he took, until it seemed to blend into one frantic vibration of tension, all tangled up with desire, attraction, and embarrassment.

How could she possibly explain everything that had happened?

He came to a stop a few feet away, his blue eyes fixed on hers. "Sascha," he said, his voice rough and compelling as it brushed over her skin.

Oh God. His voice was amazing. She swallowed. "Keegan," she whispered. "You look great."

His gaze was veiled as it settled on her face. "You look complicated," he said.

She started laughing as the tension eased from her. Same Keegan. "Oh, you have no idea."

"Are you going to tell me?"

And just like that, the tension was back.


Keegan felt like every cell in his body was on fire as he stood there in that tavern, only an arm's length from the woman he'd never forgotten.

Sascha was here.

It was taking all his willpower not to close the distance between them, sweep her up in his arms, and kiss her until the sixteen years of silence vanished.