"Got it. Any other rules?"

"She's not allowed to go after you and tell you that you're her biological father." Yeah, how was she going to explain that rule? That she'd hidden his daughter from him all these years?

"Great. I'll add that to the list. I assume she's a good kid who always follows the rules?"

"I am a good kid," Gabby protested. "This called for extreme measures."

"She's a wonderful kid," Sofia said softly. "Please keep her safe."

"Of course. I'm good at protecting people." He paused. "Are you on your way here? Gabby said you were."

She let out her breath. She could tell him to send Gabby home. She'd never have to see him. Pop her daughter on his private jet and ship her back to Seattle. Never face what had happened, and what might have been. Never risk getting in the papers by hanging around a celebrity who the press loved to write about. Slink back to her store and keep living the same, safe little life she'd lived for years.

And miss out on the chance to see the man she'd never forgotten about.

"Sascha? Are you still there? Did we lose you?"

She let out her breath. "I'm on my way there," she said. Holy cow! She was going! "GPS says I'm about two hours away, but the roads are getting slick. It'll probably take me longer."

"Do you have chains for your car?"

She smiled at his question. Still the same Keegan who wanted to keep her safe. That was how they'd met, and he was still the same guy. "No, but it's not that bad. I'll be okay."

"Tell me where you are."

"Were you this bossy when I knew you before?"

"I just pulled Gabby out of a ditch because of the ice, and I'd rather not do the same to you. Where are you?"

She sighed. That was incredibly sweet, which was super annoying. "Fine. I'm in the parking lot of a restaurant called Black Bear Tavern."

"I know where that is. Do you have chains for your tires?"


"Stay there. The roads are too icy. We'll be there in a couple hours."

"A couple hours? No, I'm coming to you—"

"Sascha." His voice was low and rough, sending chills down her spine. "You have a sixteen-year-old kid who needs her mom not to die on a mountain."

She sighed. "You're so annoying."

She could almost feel his grin at her capitulation. "The food's pretty good. Have some lunch. We'll see you soon."

"Fine." She hated that it felt good to have him save Gabby and be worried about her welfare. She hated that it showed her that he was the same protector that she'd fallen so hard for the first time. "Drive carefully. That's my baby you have there."

"Mine too, apparently."

She closed her eyes. Crap.


Her heart turned over at the sound of her daughter's voice. "Yes?"

"I love you."

Her heart tightened. "I love you, too—"