"Yeah. Yeah, I'll come with you. Okay."

"Great." He picked up the gear, as the girl headed toward him. "Coat?"

"Okay." She didn't make eye contact with him, keeping her head down. But she accepted his coat and put it on, swallowed up by the fabric. She pulled the hood up, obscuring her face even more. "Great. Thanks." She ducked past him and headed toward the cable, but her sneakers slipped on the ice.

He caught her arm just as she pitched forward. "I've got you."

She said nothing, but she grabbed his arm fiercely, using him for balance as he helped her across the icy slope. When they reached the cable, he paused. "You want to go up alone?"

She'd basically have to be dragged up, because there was no way she'd be able to stay on her feet in sneakers, but if she wanted that space, he'd give it.

But she shook her head. "No."

"Okay." He handed her the second harness. "Strap in, kid. We'll go up together."

"All right." She was shivering visibly, but she managed to get the harness on and tightened to his satisfaction. He clipped her and himself to the cable, then signaled to Bella.

As the cable began to retract, the girl's feet slipped again. Keegan pulled her against him, using his bulk as a shield to stabilize her as he climbed. With his trekkers and Bella's help, they were up the steep embankment in a matter of moments.

As soon as they made it to the top, Bella threw a blanket over the girl and pulled a hat over her head, chatting cheerfully, using her spark to lighten the situation, as she always did.

Bella drew the girl away from Keegan as he picked up the harnesses and took care of the winch. "My name's Bella," she said. "What's yours?"

"Gabriella," the girl said. "But you can call me Gabby."

Keegan froze. Gabriella. That was the name of Sascha's daughter. And Gabby looked to be about the same age that Sascha's daughter would be today. What a freaking coincidence. What the hell?

"Well, great, Gabby," Bella said. "Let's call your parents, shall we? I'm sure they're worried about you."

"My phone died. I can't call her."

"I can call. What's her number? Your mom, right? That's who we're calling?"

Gabby didn't answer.

There was a long moment of silence, and Keegan met Bella's gaze. Shit.

Bella put her hands on Gabby's shoulders. "Are you in trouble, Gabby? Are you running away from someone? Because if you are, we can help."

Keegan waited for her answer, his gut twisted. Every Hart knew what it was like to be a teenager in trouble. A teenager without anyone to call for help. It had been a long time, but all the memories came back raw and real whenever he ran into a kid in trouble.

She didn't answer, and Keegan turned around.

Gabby was staring right at him, her eyes big and dark. Her hood was down now, and he could see her face clearly. Shock hit him right in the gut. She looked exactly like Sascha. Exactly.

Son of a bitch. She had the same olive skin, thick dark hair, and brown eyes. But it was more than that. Her cheeks. Her jaw. She looked exactly as he remembered Sascha from so long ago.

"Gabby," he said, his voice raw. "Who's your mom?"

She stared at him. "She said you wouldn't remember her."

Jesus. He gripped the harnesses tighter. "Who's your mom?" he asked again.

"Sofia. Sofia Navarro."

Sofia. Navarro wasn't the right last name, but the names Sofia and Gabriella matched what Brody had given him. But Sofia and Gabriella were dead. What the hell was going on? "Did she ever go by the name Sascha Rose?"

Gabby frowned. "What? No. Her name's Sofia Navarro."