Neither of them hesitated as he put the truck into park, both of them leaping out as soon as his truck was stopped.

Because helping people in need was what the Harts did, and would always do.

That was how he'd met Sascha.


He was going to stop thinking about her. His life was now.


Keegan walked over to the edge and peered down the embankment, then swore. There was an old, beat-up sedan in the ditch with a crushed front end. Beside it stood a teenager in a light jacket and no hat.

She saw them and started waving her arms, shouting at them for help.

Adrenaline rushed through him. "We're coming!" he yelled down. "Is anyone hurt?"

"No! I'm alone!" she shouted back. "I'm okay."

Relief rushed through him. "Shit. She looks young to be alone. She's a kid." How was she old enough to have her license? He must be getting ancient if licensed drivers looked like babies.

"Poor thing." Bella had put on her heavy jacket, but the girl in the ditch had sneakers and leggings on. "She's going to freeze. We need to get her right now. The hill's solid ice."

"Stay with her. I got it." While Bella yelled down to the teenager, Keegan jogged off to his truck. He grabbed two harnesses from the back, then hustled to the front of the truck and cranked the winch on its grill.

He strapped in, then hooked the spare harness over his shoulder. Within moments, he was on his way down the embankment, ice trekkers on his boots, the cable hooked at his waist. It was steep and icy, and he was damned glad the teenager was all right.

He reached the bottom. "You okay, kid?"

She didn't answer. She just stared at him, her eyes wide.

He frowned as he unhooked himself from the cable. "Hello? You okay?" Shit. Had she gone into shock? "How long have you been down here?"

She still didn't answer. She just backed herself against the car, staring at him. Her hoodie was up, so it was difficult to see her face well.

Alarm crept down his spine, and he swore under his breath as he unzipped his coat. "Put this on." He held it out to her, but when she didn't move to take it, he swore. "Did you hit your head?"

She shook her head once, and then backed up as he neared.

Swearing, he stopped, holding up his hands. "I'm not going to hurt you," he said gently, using the soothing tone he took with scared horses. "My sister, Bella, is at the top of the embankment. She'll vouch for me."

The girl said nothing.

"My name's Keegan Hart," he said. "What's your name?"

His question was met with silence.

Crap. He could see she was shivering. "You don't need to tell me your name, or put on my coat," he said softly. "But it's freezing out here, and you're wet. We need to get you warm and dry." As he spoke, he set the spare harness on the hood of her car along with his coat. "Take what you want, then strap yourself in and hook yourself to the cord. Bella will pull you up."

He backed up, giving her space. He didn't like that she was so scared of him. He didn't like that at all. What had happened to her that made her so afraid?

She still didn't move.

He swore under his breath. "You want me to get my sister instead? Would that be better?" He started moving toward the cable. "I'll go get her, but you need to get in your car until she gets down here. You're not dressed for this—"


He stopped, relieved to hear her voice. "You want to come with me?"