Mainliner Diner. Coyote Creek.
Sitting at the counter in the diner across the street from the station, I drank a coffee and chatted to Maryanne while I waited for the kitchen to make three breakfasts for my prisoners.
“Do you know when those bastards will be put on trial, Sheriff?” asked Maryanne.
“Arraignment tomorrow and that will get them into the court system as soon as their pleas are entered. The wheels will start to turn, but the wheels of justice turn slow.”
“I’ve heard that,” said Maryanne. “I’m glad you caught them. That was the worst crime Coyote Creek has ever had.”
“Yeah, it was a bad one.”
Maryanne made a trip to the kitchen and came back with the three cardboard containers. “You been to the hospital to see Savanna Larson?”
I nodded. “Two or three times. She’s doing a lot better.”
“I felt so bad for her getting stabbed in her office. And poor Tim.” Maryanne wiped a tear away. “What a sweet guy.”
Small town. Everybody knows everybody.
Sheriff’s Office. Coyote Creek.
I unlocked the station and came in from the back with Max and Sarge running ahead of me. As soon as I stepped in the door I could hear Burke Foster yelling.
Stepping into the office, I picked the keys for the run off the rack, went back down the hall and unlocked the door. I flicked the overhead lights on and handed each of the prisoners their breakfast.
“Any coffee?”
“Making it now.”
“I want my phone call,” hollered Foster.
I ignored him and went back to the kitchen to get the coffee maker going. While I sat at the table waiting, I got a call on the Sheriff’s phone.
“Sheriff Frost.”
“Hey, Sheriff, this is Lola Asbury up here in Sunburst Acres Trailer Park. My neighbor, Tammy, is beat up bad. Can you come up here and help me?”
“Did you call an ambulance for Tammy?”
“No. I called you.”
“What’s the address of Tammy’s trailer, Lola? I’ll send an ambulance.” She told me and I wrote it down. “Got it. Can you stay with Tammy until I get there or the ambulance does?”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
“Fifteen minutes and I’ll be there.”
“Okay. I’ll wait.”
“Appreciate it.” I locked up in a hurry and left.
Garrison Residence. Sunburst Trailer Park.
I arrived at Tammy Garrison’s trailer just as the ambulance from Cut Bank was backing up to her front door.
“You guys stay here for now.” I left the dogs in the truck and followed the paramedics inside.
Tammy Garrison was lying on the sofa with a blanket over her and at first glance I thought she looked about fourteen, but she had to be older.