This will not be my story, not after everything. Not after Cade, and my mother. The portly guard begins to climb on top of me, as the slim one releases my wrist and makes his way toward the river. The man’s breath is hot on my face and reeks of stale ale and rancid meat. My eyes begin to glaze over with tears, but I refuse to let them fall. He has made damn sure my dagger is out of reach, but he doesn’t know I possess a second.
Since the slim guard has released my hand, it takes all but a few seconds for me to find my blade and sink it into the guard’s chest. Pushing hard until it cracks against bone, I leave it embedded as he slumps over me. Rolling him off, I sit up, chest heaving.
“What are you—” The second guard spins on his heels. His eyes widen at my blood-stained hands as I yank my dagger free from the dead guard’s chest. But before he can move another step, a low predatory growl vibrates through the dense trees behind me. Every hair on my neck and arms raises. Dread washes over me as the guard stops. Minutes feel like hours, neither of us daring to move. Something stirs in my peripheral. The unconscious man from the river begins to move slightly, his body twitching as if trying to wake himself up.
Another growl.
Something sinister creeps from the woods engulfing the air with a powerful energy, swallowing up the oxygen around us. Struggling to breathe, my throat constricts as my pulse hammers in my chest. I tighten my grip around the hilt of my blade. The warm breath of the animal tickles my skin as it approaches my neck. With caution, the guard takes several steps backward toward the river, his eyes locked on whatever beast stands behind me.
Swallowing down a large gulp of air, I silently count to three.
One, breathe.
Two, breathe.
Three, breathe.
On the third breath I take my time turning my head, raising my blade. The wolf's face is enormous in size, mere inches away from my own. The iron tang of blood from its last kill still lingers on its teeth and invades my senses. Inclining its head slightly, the wolf gives a few sniffs, the hot air from its nose lands on my cheeks. His amber eyes stare with such intensity I want to look away, but something beyond my control forces my gaze to hold.
My chest heaves so heavily it hurts, the movements so rapid I fear my heart might come barreling out of it, but still I keep my eyes locked on the wolf. Baring its teeth, the wolf lets out another low guttural growl from deep within its throat, sending a chill down to my core. The tears I held back from the guards are now a constant stream down my face. As the wolf tips his head in the air, whatever trance I was under is broken. With a shuddered breath, I close my eyes and drop my hands, blade and all.
All that has been given life, shall have an end.
As the wolf spits out a deep bark, I let out a sharp scream and press my palms to my eyes, not caring about the blood that still stains them. Every bone in my body quivers under the sound of the wolf. The scrambling of boots on rock tells me the guard has had enough waiting. With the horses long gone, I imagine he’s headed straight back to the river, seeking refuge on the opposite shore. Stars dance behind my closed eyes as I press my palms further into them, the ground trembles as the wolf lurches forward, flinging loose pebbles into the air. In a whirl of surprise, the beast knocks into me with its massive shoulder, tossing my body to the ground as he sprints towards the river.
Snapping my eyes open, I remain on the ground as the wolf dashes over the rocky terrain with ease and unexpected grace. High pitched shrills echo off the water, and I can’t force my eyes away as I watch the scene unfold. The wolf catches up to the guard and sinks its large teeth into his leg. The crunch of a bone snapping echoes through the woods, the guard’s screams constant and strangled.
Blood drips from the wolf’s massive canines, covering his jaw. His white and gray fur is now a mix of red and brown as the hair begins to matte around its neck from the guard’s blood. Arching his back, he lets go of the man and throws his head up to the sky, letting out a deafening howl. Covering my ears, I force my eyes to remain open despite the brutality before me. I let out a few small yelps, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the excruciating sound of the wolf's howl or knowing I’ll be his next victim. My pathetic cries must’ve been heard by the wolf because he whips his head toward me briefly, before refocusing on his prey.
But with the wolf temporarily distracted, the guard has somehow made it across the river. Dropping to his knees he lets out what sounds like a prayer. Closing his eyes, he brings his palms together to give thanks to whatever deity he thinks might listen. So wrapped up in his premature thanks, he doesn’t notice the second wolf approaching from his behind.
This wolf has a slightly smaller build than the one on my side of the river, and is the complete counterpart in color. Whereas the first wolf is a stunning mix of bright white and dark grays, this wolf is purely black. With eyes so green they appear to glow, it begins its silent stalk toward the still oblivious guard. Its eyes narrow in his direction and before he can realize what is happening, the wolf’s teeth sink into the back of his neck. Turning my head away at the impact, I can’t bear to watch anymore blood spill.
Frozen in fear, I will myself to move. To run. To lift my hands and find my blade and end this wolf’s life before it ends mine.
But a wicked thought stops me.
Maybe this is what I’ve needed all along. In some ways, it would be an easy out. To let the notorious wolves of the woods end my life here and now, saving me from the task I’ve so often thought about doing myself.
The gray wolf retreats from the water’s edge, stopping to sniff the unconscious man as he passes by. Seemingly unbothered, the wolf turns his attention to me. Its muscular legs take long strides across the shore, near silent on giant predatory paws. The creature stands directly in front of me now, and in his presence, panic creeps over my skin and lodges itself in my throat. Darting my eyes between the wolf and the man, the man and the wolf, I curse myself for not running.
Sniffing my hair, the air exhaled from the wolf's nose tickles my ears and around my head. Withdrawing back, he throws his head up to the sky once more and lets out another beautiful howl, leaving a ringing ache in my ears. When his head lowers, I take a deep swallow and finally meet the wolf’s gaze. His amber eyes are fierce and unwavering. His gaze, unbroken. For a moment, something stirs deep within me. A small tug on my heart, as faint as a summer breeze. A whisper through the wind to not be afraid.
Do not be afraid, I tell myself. Baffled by the sudden sense of peace I feel in the wolf’s presence, I finally whisper a soft, “Thank you.” With caution, I reach my hand up toward his face, baring my wrist in a show of submission. But before I can reach him, he takes a few paces backward and disappears into the belly of the forest, leaving nothing but bloodshed in his wake.
Chapter 4
Collapsing onto my back, the sound of the river soothes my senses as I allow myself to let out a deep sob. Choking on my tears, I wipe my eyes with my palms as small grunts redirect my attention toward the riverbank. Suddenly remembering I’m not alone, I shoot upward and dart my eyes to the unconscious man in front of me. Only now, he’s no longer unconscious. Sitting up, he cups the back of his head, the gleam of blood coats his hand as he brings it against his chest.