Page 5 of Lennox

I raise an eyebrow, both curious and impressed. “And I'm guessing they shot it down?”

She sighs, nodding. “Exactly. They don’t see it as a priority. But I believe healing isn’t just about physical movement. The mind needs its peace, too.”

The idea resonates with me more than I'd like to admit. “When you do get through to them, remember to put in a bench. You know, for all the tired souls you exhaust with your therapy.”

Her laughter fills the air again, but she changes the subject. "You know," she begins, her voice light, "I've always been curious about what it's like to be a part of EmergenSEA. What made you join?"

I take a moment, breathing through the discomfort. "The sea," I reply simply. "It's always been there. Part of me. Rescuing, healing, and adventuring on it... just felt right."

Charlene tilts her head, considering my words. Her ponytail sways slightly, and there's a light in her brown eyes. "The sea has its way of calling people. I used to surf, you know," she says with a chuckle.

Surprised, I glance at her, taking in her form. Those curves, so contrary to the stereotypical surfer's physique, draw my reluctant attention. I can't help but imagine her on a surfboard, her blonde hair dancing with the waves, her body moving gracefully with the rhythm of the sea.

"Really?" I ask, trying to keep my tone neutral but feeling a genuine smile creep onto my face.

"Absolutely," she beams. "Spent half my teenage years on a board. It was my own little escape from the world."

I smirk. "Never took you for the surfing type."

She feigns a pout, her playful nature shining through. "What's that supposed to mean, Gill?"

"Nothing bad," I reply. "It's just... I'm seeing you in a whole new light now."

She laughs again, her energy so opposite of mine. "Maybe one day, once you're up to it, I can show you some moves."

I know it’s a joke, but I can’t help but ask, “Do you really think I’ll be back on the water someday?”

She looks taken aback. “Of course I do. Especially with the best therapist in the hospital by your side.”

“Oh?” I stop and pretend to look around for this elusive therapist. “Where?”

She swats at me playfully. “Lennox Gill, was that a joke?”

Before I can deny it, my foot catches on something, and I stumble. A pair of nurses walking by giggle to each other, and I feel heat creeping up my neck, a combination of pain and embarrassment. I'm not used to being seen this way, injured and vulnerable.

Before I can withdraw or demand we return to my room, Charlene, seeming to notice my discomfort, suddenly twirls on the spot, her ponytail flying out like a golden whip.

"Lennox, do you think I've still got the moves?" She spins again and strikes a dramatic surfer pose, drawing the attention of everyone nearby. A few patients and staff chuckle, and even a stern-faced nurse breaks into a grin.

I can't help but laugh, appreciative of her efforts to draw the attention away from me. "Definitely got the moves for something."

After that, we continue our walk peacefully, each step getting a little easier. Charlene and I are only a few steps past a brightly colored mural depicting the Haven Falls coastline when a familiar voice booms, "Lenny! There's our wounded warrior!"

My head jerks up at the childhood nickname only a few dare to use. Marcelo de Leon, one of the mainstays of the EmergenSEA team, is striding toward us, a wide grin splitting his bearded face.

"Marcelo," I acknowledge, feeling a mix of comfort at seeing a familiar face and slight embarrassment at my current state.

He chuckles at my obvious discomfort. "Heard you've been a bear to deal with in here. They’re calling you ‘Grumpy Gill’ behind your back, y'know."

I roll my eyes. "Great. Just what I needed."

Charlene’s laughter breaks the tension. "He’s been more of a teddy bear than a grizzly, to be honest."

Marcelo's eyes twinkle. "Ah, so the rumors are true. Lennox Gill is going soft. Or maybe it's just your lovely therapist’s charm?"

Charlene, to her credit, doesn't blush or falter. "All in a day's work."

Marcelo falls into step beside us, adopting my slower pace. "So, guess what happened while you were away being the perfect patient?" He smirks, obviously enjoying this.