Page 84 of Freak Show

Blue and white flowers with red stitching here and there for a decorative effect.

“I’m…” I paused. “It’s been so long since I’ve been somewhere by myself that I don’t know what to do with myself. It doesn’t help that this is the longest I’ve ever been away from Briley. And now you’re gone after I just got used to having you here…” My shoulders slumped. “And we lost again.”

We lost badly, too.

Coach was pissed.

The team owner was pissed.

Hell, I was pissed.

It was as if everyone was in some sort of funk and couldn’t see their way out of it.

“Oh.” She paused. “I should’ve asked that the minute that you called.”

And now I felt like crap.

There I was taking my bad mood out on everyone else.

“I don’t think your news was any less important than my news,” I pointed out.

“No,” she agreed. “But…I guess that I just felt like it was something I should’ve remembered. Instead I just kind of dumped my entire day on you.”

The little ball of tension inside of me eased a bit.

Fuck, but it was nice to find someone that I could trust with my heart.

Was it too early to tell her how I felt?

I was seconds away from doing just that, from telling her that I loved her, when she changed the subject.

“The picture of the tux that you sent me. You have a banquet tonight? Did you know about that?” she asked.

I sighed. “I did. Kind of. I’d forgotten all about it. The good thing is, I didn’t forget to order the tux I have to wear. It arrived this morning.” I stopped. “We would’ve been scrambling to find a dress for you to wear so you could go with me.”

“Oh.” She paused. “You don’t have a date. Is that bad?”

“Normally, I take Briley to things like this. Kicking and screaming,” I chuckled. “But Titus usually takes Annabelle. Between the two of us not having a date for this, we’re just going to solo it.”

“That’s sweet.” She sounded amused. “Send me a picture of you in it when you’re all dressed up?” She hesitated. “I have to perform tonight. It might be a little late before I can respond. But tell me everything that’s going on. I wish I could be there with you.”

I wish she could be here with me, too.

Tonight was really going to suck.

Too bad I had no idea just how much it would suck. And how much I wished I could take it all back.

“I gotta go, Slone.” She sighed. “I’ll call you back as soon as I can. There’s another crisis.”

Before I could answer, she hung up, leaving that pit in my stomach to grow just a little bit wider.

“This fucking sucks.”

I looked over at Joe and couldn’t stop myself from agreeing.

“We could’ve been at home right now, enjoying a much-needed day off, and instead we’re here playing the owner’s ponies so she can show us off and feel important,” Titus said.

“Tell us how you really feel.” I chuckled.