He turned to see the box on the end of the bed, and his shoulders tensed.
“What did you get today?” Slone eyed the box.
“Don’t know, don’t care,” I admitted.
He walked to the bed, opening the pocketknife he carried with a flick of his fingers, and sliced the tape on the box.
Yet again, it was unmarked and had no postage, indicating that wherever it’d come from, it hadn’t come through the mail.
He looked inside and shook his head, then tilted the box toward me.
I gritted my teeth and looked away from it.
Today, it was a monster dildo with tentacles and a note that said ‘Use this. It might help with the small prick you’re dealing with.’
“I don’t want to talk about it,” I grumbled.
He flipped open the flaps again and stared inside at the green monstrosity.
“Maybe you should throw it away,” he suggested. “That way, no surprises come up like they did last time.”
That was true.
I’d tossed most of the underwear but chose to keep a few because they were some of my nicer ones intermixed in with my bad ones.
The only problem was, I hadn’t taken a good long look at the pairs because why would I?
When we’d gotten to cruising altitude, a bottle had burst in my bag, turning everything blue.
I’d only gotten the text when we’d landed reminding me to take it out of my bag before I flew.
Which Hades knew that I’d be on the flight before then.
Hell, if I’d gone through security, they would’ve confiscated the damn thing and I would’ve been questioned by TSA as to its contents.
“Is there a note?” I asked.
“None. Just that in the box,” he said.
My sister, the asshole.
“That’s my sister’s doing, I’ll bet,” I shrugged. “The admirer comes with a note every time.”
Jesus, sometimes she annoyed the absolute piss out of me.
“Are you going to text her and ask?” he asked, tossing the box into the tiny trash can at his side.
I really didn’t need to.
My sister thought she was hilarious.
The only problem was, she was the only one that thought she was hilarious.
Sometimes, I wondered if she was born with a screw loose.
Though, I was mainly the target of her ‘affections.’
“Um, no,” I started to say, but before I could finish my ‘why,’ my phone rang.