The caption of the photo said ‘trouble in paradise already for defensive end for the Liners.’
I groaned and said, “Baby…”
Then I was listening to her cry.
“I was gone for less than a day, Slone.” She sniffled. “I was…I trusted you.”
I opened my mouth to deny everything, but she hung up before I could.
When I tried to call back, the phone went directly to voice mail, letting me know that she’d shut her phone off.
Or blocked me. Neither one was good.
Well, fuck.
“What the hell was that about?” Titus asked, looking concerned.
I turned the phone to show him the photos and he whistled. “Whomever did that has some excellent Photoshop skills. That looks real as fuck.”
It did.
Which was why it was even more concerning.
“What are you going to do?” he asked.
I looked at my watch. “Looks like I’m about to blow this popsicle stand. I’m not going to stay here a single second more with her thinking that.”
If I left now and flew to her, I could be back in time to meet up with the team at our home game in three days.
“Safe flight, bro,” Titus said as I got up.
“Hey, where is he going?” I heard Kay snarl.
I kept walking, not once looking back.
I’m not fucking stupid. I mean, I used to be, but we broke up.
-Hades to Caristonia
I’d slept like hell.
Actually, hell was too easy of a word for how I’d slept.
If I had to be completely honest, I’d slept less than a wink, which wasn’t a freakin’ good thing for the day ahead of me.
Even worse, I had three freakin’ shows to do today.
One of which was Simi’s aerial show.
The only good thing about taking over her show was that I could do it without worrying about how I might kill myself.
Simi’s show had moved from super-duper high up to way lower, and there was now a firm net underneath that she used in case she fell.
Being pregnant changed the rules of the circus.