Page 8 of Freak Show

I held out my hand for her and said, “How about we go wait outside for him. Do you need to use the restroom before we go? I hear the water park is a solid hour drive.”

“No, I don’t need to go,” she answered. “Dad says I have a bladder of a man.”

I smiled at that. “Is he trying to say that women have poor bladder control?”

“Women need to not drink a gallon of coffee before we go places, and their bladder would probably be a non-issue.” Coffey laughed as we walked away.

I flipped him off as we left, causing him to laugh.

When we got outside, it was to find everyone waiting for us.

Even a sweaty looking Slone.

I nearly swallowed my tongue at the sight of him.

His eyes came to me, then went down to his daughter who was trailing behind me.

His shoulder tension went out completely, and I had the urge to reach over and rub his trap muscles.

“You ready, baby?” Slone asked.

“Ready, Dad.” Briley walked up to him. “What was your time?”

Slone grinned down at his daughter. “Forty-eight minutes. Kept it slow today.”

“Ouch,” Briley said. “Six miles in that time? That’s weak, Dad.”

I thought about my slower than slow ten and a half minute miles—I loved running, but I just wasn’t fast at it—and thought she’d really be disappointed in my times if she was so disappointed in her dad’s.

“Not everyone can have a cross country ability like you, kid,” Slone said. “I run on flat stuff. Not uneven earth that is bound and determined to kill me at every chance.”

“Yes, Dad.” Briley smiled. “Let’s go.”

“I’m taking my truck if anyone wants to ride with me,” Slone offered.

“I’m there. Ron, the bodyguard went ahead in my truck to scope out the park.” Titus clapped his hands. “But my kid wants to ride in the van with the pretty people. That okay?”

He looked to Keene when he said that, and everyone agreed.

But by the time I went to get into the van, I found it completely full.

“Oh, man,” I said, sounding bummed but being anything but. “I guess I’ll have to stay here. There’s no room.”

“There’s plenty of room over here,” a smooth, velvety deep voice said from behind me.

I felt shivers dance across my skin as I looked at the sexy man that was now wearing a shirt.

Though, that shirt was now stained with sweat.

“Um…” I hesitated.

“Just my girl in the back seat,” he said, his eyes taking me in.

“No excuses now, loser.” Val planted her foot in my stomach and shoved me backward. Right into Slone’s surprised arms. “Peace out.”

Then she slammed the door.

I, bent over double with my ass now pressed against the man behind me, wheezed, “You bitch.”