Page 73 of One Bossy Disaster

I hear each splash as his paddle dips into the choppy waters.

My breathing synchronizes with his.

His paddle grazes mine, and the impact jolts up my arm like it’s his bare skin.

This freaking man.

He makes every part of me overly sensitive, and every bit of spray sends a shiver through me.

Adrenaline and fear and wonder rush through me as a wave shoves my kayak against a rock.

“Destiny?” Shepherd glances over in concern.

I shake my head, righting myself before anything dramatic happens.

“Damn nice save,” he says.


We’re doing this, and I’m going to get through it without him diving in to come to my rescue. My lungs work hard, but I keep breathing through the saltwater spray.

My legs tremble as they brace against the footholds.

Stroke by stroke, I become a human rope of fire.

No arms.

No spine.

No pain.

Just a numb, chugging movement.


With every wave, I know there’s a chance the next one could tip me over. And if it does, the rocks out here could scratch me up pretty bad.

This is the danger he mentioned miles back.

The jarring change from pretty sightseeing toholy shit, no,before you can blink.

But I’m not scared.

I’m here with Shepherd, immersed in it, and honestly, it’s flipping incredible.

There’s a silver lining to how rapidly things change on the water.

Just as I’m preparing for another intense stretch, I’m jerked back by my own exertion.

Without warning, we break past the sharp currents into calmer waters. And I can actually take a second to enjoy the adrenaline shot to my veins.

I set my paddle down, shake out my arms, and take a few badly needed breaths of briny air.

Then I do the only thing I can.

I laugh.

Arms spread wide to the sky, I throw my head back and just let myself be for one glorious second.