Page 41 of One Bossy Disaster

“Just think about it,” she says.

“I will.”

“You’ll consider thinking about it or actually consider it?” she presses.

I scowl at her, hating that I almost smile.

Coffee brat.

“I’llconsiderthinking about your proposal, Miss Lancaster. If you’ll lay off ever thinking I respond well to smart-assed demands.”

For a second, it looks like she’s about to smile, too.

The corner of her mouth twitches, and her eyes warm, and God help me, she’s more magnificent than ever.

Then I had to go and run my mouth.

She turns away, the fragile beginnings of the smile dying as she looks at the floor.

“So, what will I be working on while I’m here then, if I’m not working directly with you all the time?”


I don’t know how she keeps doing it, catching me off guard.

At this point, I should be prepared for her bullshit, and the sharp, uncompromising note in her voice when she asks.

“For the corporate end, you’ll be working on grants and featuring a new product line,” I say. “Mark will give you the technical details of how our corporate giving program should work in tandem with our product development team for this.”

“What, because you don’t know?”

I ignore her.

“Hannah will also give you access to the corporate system for the internal templates you’ll use for your proposals.”

She frowns. “Wait, what proposals?”

“The new product lineyouproposed, Miss Lancaster. You’ve got three days to sell me on this idea, drones for wildlife surveillance. I expect you to show your work in excruciating detail.” I pause to enjoy the stunned look on her face. “If I like it enough, you can present your proposal to the entire board.”

Fuck me senseless.

The way she looks right now with her eyes wide and mouth parted shouldn’t be as enticing as it is.

I allow myself a few more seconds to suppress the intrusive thoughts of the sexy kind before I wheel around and stride away.

Time to escape while I still can.

* * *

Five missedcalls from Vanessa Dumas that afternoon.

Every time I glance at my phone, another one appears, a buzzing middle finger flicking me between the eyes.

The only reason I haven’t blocked her number is because I want to keep the call logs as legal evidence of harassment or blackmail, should she be so stupid to escalate this further.

She’s been texting me, too, and her messages all range from apologetic to subtly threatening.

Telling me—and her audacity is something—that she knows I wanted it. That I was giving her 'signals' for months.