Page 266 of One Bossy Disaster

“Sunshine on my Shoulders”begins playing gently from the speakers with everyone assembled.

I squeeze Dad’s arm as we turn, step onto the main deck, and walk up the makeshift aisle.

We’re just in time for an afternoon sun full of oranges and yellows, emerging from a slate-grey Seattle wall of clouds.

It’s brilliant and extra special for this time of year, but it’s got nothing onhim.

Shepherd waits for me like a god made flesh.

His eyes are blue smolder, his hands clasped in front of him. His fitted suit looks sewn on, and his shoulders span the horizon.

But I’m not really looking at that beyond a glance.

The only thing I really see is his smile.



Beaming, just for me.

You’d better believe I’m smiling right back with my entire soul.

I love you!

His smile says it back. So does the pressure of his hand against mine as Dad hands me over with a murmured, “Treat her well, Foster. Or else.”

So does the way his fingers slide through mine.

So does the deep cadence of his voice as the ceremony begins and lurches forward in a haze, and before I know it, he’s saying his vows.

When we first met, we truly thought the worst of each other.

He thought I was vain and nosy and a spoiled brat.

I thought he was heartless and crude, a typical hardass CEO who only cared about money and nothing more.

Then we accidentally gave ourselves a second chance.

Thank God.

He chose to see me for who I am, and I saw past his defensive façade, straight to the vast, vulnerable lion’s heart underneath.

We fell in love and the rest is history.

This is our whole future, standing here in front of everyone we love, declaring our love to the world.

The mood lightens and I’m struggling a little less against blazing tears as our ring bearer appears.

Molly—who else?—trots down the aisle like we trained her to.

She does a fabulous job, even if she gets a little distracted along the way.

She only pounces on an impressive two people for quick pets—including Dad, whom she adores—before she arrives by our feet, tongue lolling, the ring box swinging from a small clip attached to her collar.

Shepherd grabs the rings and gives her the sweetest kiss.

Oh great, I’m tearing up again.