Page 264 of One Bossy Disaster

Right now, though, I’m waxed bare. Not a single hair out of place, and I don’t want him to see it until the wedding night.

“You’re a dirty fucking tease, Miss Lancaster.” He grabs me and presses me into the mattress with his weight.

Molly watches us from the floor before lying back on her side with a sigh. By now, she’s used to these long, lazy mornings.

“You love it anyway. And you’d better not go back to Miss Lancastering me again. Today definitely isn’t the day, dude.”

“I suppose not, considering the name expires in a few more hours.” He kisses my collarbone so reverently I shudder. “By sunset, these will belong to Mrs. Foster.”

He rubs a thumb over my nipples.

If they weren’t hard before, they definitely are now.

“Don’t be—ohhh.”

“If I can't have you now, you’re going to suffer right alongside me. Touché.”

“Cruel man.”

“I do have a reputation to uphold as head of a premier security company. Can’t let the world think I’m all fluff as a married man.”


He definitely doesn’t look like the stern, stonehearted man everyone thinks he is—Mr. Ex Mafia Brat Perma-Grump.

In my eyes, he’s the kindest man I’ve ever known.

I reach up and kiss him. “I can’t wait to marry you.”

“Good. Now you know how impatient I feel.” He kisses me back before lifting me up and slapping my ass. “Now get yourself put together. Hannah will be here in twenty and she’sneverlate.”

Oof, like I don’t already know it.

I think I love her, just a little bit. Even if she’ll give me the evil eye if I stagger outside late—it wouldn’t be the first time.

I grumble to myself and him as I walk around his enormous bedroom, collecting my stuff.

He’s had a whole new closet built for me and my things, and I make sure my back is to him as I collect my special ‘fuck me in my wedding dress’ lingerie.

I justknowhe’ll love it.

Shepherd chuckles and disappears into the bathroom wearing only his boxers. I run for the guest room shower.

At eight o'clock on the dot, Hannah arrives.

I’m barely showered and out of my pajamas, dressed in something presentable, before I hear the doorbell and race down to get it.

“Do you have the dress?” Hannah looks at her smartwatch and sighs. “You have two minutes.”

“Yes,Mom.” I grin at her before flying back upstairs and grabbing everything I need.

Hannah being Hannah, she has everything mapped out with devilish precision.

First, it’s breakfast with my parents and Lena, my maid of honor.

Eliza cries happily over the world’s most delicious strawberry shortcake waffles.

I cry.