Page 250 of One Bossy Disaster

“How did you two get together?” Tiffany asks.

“Um. Otters?” And I tell them the story of our camping trip, taking Shepherd’s hand as I recount how we couldn’t stand each other until that weekend.

“But even then, we still had our doubts. We needed everything that happened with Adriana Cerva to see the truth.” I give Shepherd a soft smile. “Plus, he gets major points for loving my dog.”

“Well, what more can a man do?” Tiffany laughs. “So your relationship happened after the allegations?”

“I had a crush on him almost from the beginning,” I say. “Who wouldn’t? I think he took a little longer to come around, but in the end, he did.”

“So you pursued him?”

I cock my head as I look at Shepherd thoughtfully. “No. I think we both came together when the time was right.”

Tiffany turns to Shepherd. “And no ring this time?”

“Not yet,” he says after a moment. My heart races as he continues, “I’m here today because I’m ready to get on with my life, and I think, deep down, Miss Dumas is too. I’m willing to drop all defamation charges if she’ll agree to let this go.”

Tiffany turns back to her. “Vanessa? What do you say?”

The silence is deafening.

I think she knows she’s cooked. The evidence is crystal clear, and with Adriana going down and Meghan's statement, she has even less of a leg to stand on with her lies.

She knows it and so does the world.

So does Tiffany, whose smile is steady and unrelenting.

The next question is going to be devastating.

“Is there any particular reason why you claimed Shepherd Foster pursued a sexual relationship with you? And if there isn’t, why not just take the olive branch?”

“I... I didn’t come here for this. The nerve of this man, cornering me like this after everything, after—I simply won’t be put on the spot!” Vanessa’s expression falls as she stands unsteadily.

I find Shepherd’s hand.

After so much misery, it should feel good to see her humiliated like this.

It actually doesn’t.

I feel sick.

Her hands ball into fists as she storms off stage, wiping at real tears. The cameras follow her.

It may be what she deserves.

But I don’t have that smug sense of satisfaction or victory I expected.

“Tiff, here’s her reason. People do stupid things when they’re hurt,” Shepherd says. His hand is so warm and steady around mine. “She had illusions about us falling in love, and I tried to talk her down. I don’t suppose she ever thought it would come to this. Don’t suppose she wanted it to, either.”

I nod. “It’s not something I hold against her.”

“Well, that’s that, folks. It’s all up to the lawyers now, but I think we know where this is going. I’m wishing you both the best, and thanks so much for joining us today to clear the air,” Tiffany says, looking between us like she doesn’t understand what just happened either.

I know I don’t.

Not until two days later, when Shepherd’s lawyer gets a note that says Vanessa is retracting her claims, effective immediately.

It feels like the end of the beginning as I drop my phone and leap into his arms the second he walks through the door.