Page 235 of One Bossy Disaster

That fucking does it.

I’m human lightning, bolting in, crashing into Adriana so hard she spins across the room.

After today, I’d like to think she’ll eventually thank her lucky stars that I don’t pick her up again and chuck her across the room like a piece of rotten driftwood.

Meghan screams, covering her cheek. It’s already red, the fingermarks distinct even in the scuffle.

Adriana struggles as I twist her arm behind her back, pushing until it hurts.

It’s like holding a rabid fisher-cat.

“Dess,” I say urgently. “Sweetheart, are you all right?”

Adriana’s laugh is high and half-insane. “Sweetheart? I fuckingknewit.”

I ignore her shit.

“I’m fine,” Destiny says quietly, freeing herself.

My attention shifts to the swaying lunatic in my arms.

“You just had to add assault and battery to your charges, didn’t you?” I tell her.

Just in time.

Thankfully, I don’t have to bother figuring out how to secure her when the door bursts open and Seattle police start piling in. My call worked.

Ideally, I wanted the confession first, though we guessed we had a fifty-fifty chance at best of her caving.

We didn’t expect this fray.

Not that it matters.

After today, we have everything we need to make sure Adriana Cerva enjoys a nice long stay behind bars.

I release Adriana as soon as the cops surround us.

She points at me, her mouth twisted, living proof that some people just don’t know when to shut it. “He assaulted me! Attacking me and my daughter...”

Meghan jumps up and goes into a flurry of denial, giving them a quick, messy version of everything that happened.

With Adriana cornered, we can finally breathe again.

“I think that’s a wrap,” Dess says happily, making a face as she fingers a few torn ends of her hair.

A detective with a craggy face nods at me, then gestures at Adriana. The two cops accompanying him pin her arms behind her back.

“You have the right to remain silent,” he begins, rattling off her Miranda rights. “Anything you say can be used against you in a court of law...”

“I didn’t do it!” Adriana shrieks again as they try to pull her. The woman’s voice could shatter glass. “I’m being framed. It wasn’t me, I swear, I never didanything.Help me, help!”

Stoically, the cop continues reading her rights before dragging her away.

A female officer remains with Meghan, kneeling beside her. She declines a check from EMTs, but they’ll need to get that cheek photographed.

I wish I could say it’s a happy ending, nice and neat.

For Meghan Cerva, it’s only the beginning.