Page 217 of One Bossy Disaster

I swear, if it was down to bravery alone, this girl could tame the storm with a single glance. She’s that strong.

So is my need to do something incredibly stupid.

Instinct is stronger than staying paralyzed by fear as I grab her, pull her in, and let my heart whisper.


A Little Dip (Destiny)

I’ve felt emotionally confused before, but nothing like this.

The terror in the air is palpable, the atmosphere so thick it’s hard to breathe. It’s like an invisible wall between us.

But the minute I hear those words, the peril we’re in might as well be a bad dream.

“Destiny, I love you.”

Four simple words I never expect.

Yet it feels like they’re the most meaningful words ever spoken.

The ship groans, rolling with the waves as they intensify.

Everythingis gaining intensity, honestly.

Especially the way Shepherd looks at me as he kisses me and pulls away.

He’s waiting for me to fall apart.

Honestly, I might.

Fear and love do that, two sides of the same coin.

They sever all the threads holding you together, grounding you, until all you can feel is the impossible, the flighty, the unreal.

His kiss rinses out my mouth.

Fear tastes like blood, gross and metallic, and there’s no telling how long it would’ve sat sour on my tongue without his lips.

But as long as I’m here with Shepherd, still tasting him, I refuse to give in.

Not when he hasn’t.

There was a flash of it in his eyes when his gaze locked on mine, but he pushed it aside and took charge the way he always does.

Before I can give him any reply worthy of the shock he’s given me, he’s moving, gesturing behind him.

“Come on. We can’t leave anything heavy sliding around if this storm isn’t done with us.”

We work together in near silence, taking everything we can from the room and forming a chain of bungees he pulls from a big white storage box, passing them from one hand to the next. Where Shepherd pulls his weight, I’m right there with him.

We fasten down the furniture with oversized straps and ropes.

Juan pops in a few times, helping batten things down with brisk efficiency.

Everything is happening so fast, but it feels like this weird time bubble where the outside world doesn’t move at all.

This yacht wasn’t designed to be caught in a storm like this. That’s what nobody tells you about multimillion-dollar luxury boats.