Page 206 of One Bossy Disaster

Her nostrils flare. The angry glint in her eyes fades as she nods firmly.

Yes, I know this is the world’s shittiest timing, being blindsided by a storm and a major malfunction after she felt like I carved out her heart.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but this is my yacht. While you’re here, you’re my responsibility, and I’m damned sure keeping you safe” I tell her, trying to soften my tone, but I’m too aware that every second slipping by could be critical.

Judging by the giant green-red blob on the weather radar screen northwest of us, we haven’t seen anything from this storm yet. The worst is yet to come.

If there’s one thing we don’t have, it’s time.

The venom in her gaze cuts me.

“Promise me you’ll stay safe, Dess.”

“I will. For Molly’s sake.”

The implication is so obvious it guts me.

She thinks I don’t care about her.

“Goddammit,” I spit.

No matter what happens next, I can’t have her stewing and stressing up here, thinking I’m such a heartless cock it doesn’t matter if she lives or dies when the truth is so different.

I care too fucking much.

That’s always been the trouble.

“Make me regret this later,” I growl.

Before she can ask, I sweep her into my arms and crush my mouth down on hers until I’m stealing the breath from her lungs.

I only linger a second after I break away to make sure she’s still standing.

“Stay with Molly. We’ll be back ASAP.”

She doesn’t argue, and I have an odd feeling that’s the last good news I’m going to get.

With her eyes still burning my back, confused and hurt and stunned, I hurry the fuck up after Captain Juan, hoping I’ll buy us enough time to kick myself in the ass for that kiss later.


A Little Accident (Destiny)

Holy hell.

Everything moves at the lightning pace of that kiss, quick and powerful.

I’m still dazed, feeling like the whole world was just pulled out under me like a cheap carpet, all the colors of reality smearing with my emotions as it whips by.

It’s the ugliest mess you could imagine.

Too flipping much to process.

I stand motionless on the bridge, trying not to look out the window as I distract Molly with treats. She came along happily after I retrieved her from the other room. She’s definitely going to get her body weight in more salmon nuggets the second we’re back on land for behaving as well as she is.

I expected a barking, nervous mess. The way she leans against me, stress yawning and too scared to move, almost feels worse.

Also, I’m noticing things I never picked up on before as the rain keeps pounding the ship.