Page 183 of One Bossy Disaster

Everything legal moves at a crawl, no matter how talented your lawyers are.

Even if we take them to court and win, they’ll keep piping this out for days, weeks, however long they have before they’re hit with a gag order, and even then, they could keep using minions.

The public at large will lap it up as long as it keeps coming.

This society loves its filth whenever it involves the rich and famous, and the only thing they love more is when it’s thrown to them like Komodo dragons with a slab of beef.

To hell with my reputation.

That was half shot to shit with Vanessa’s accusations. I can weather the storm.

But this bright young girl, who wants nothing more than to help endangered marine life... why the fuck does she have to suffer?

Because she fell into my orbit.

Because I signed on to Miss Cho’s scheme against my better judgment, but she’s also not to blame.

Destiny is being savaged because I let myself think I needed someone else to saveme.

Another woman hurt, and I can’t stop it fast enough.

Just like Serena.

She might not die or provoke a scorned lover into shooting me, but she’ll have to live with closed doors, harassment, hideous insinuations, plus every goddamned dickhead in a position of power treating her like an earthworm because of these lies.


I really am poison ivy.

It’s hard to look at her as she sits curled across my lap, nestled in my arms.

At least I can still give her comfort, for now, despite the way it makes me feel like a tool.

Her breath shudders as she lets the phone fall into her lap, leaning against me again. I pull her closer.

“I’m so sorry.” Her voice is so faint I almost don’t hear it.

“This isn’t your fault. Don’t apologize.”

Hell, until she signed on to our program, she was just as squeaky clean as Hannah promised.

This is entirely on me.

Both for being a walking scandal magnet, and because I couldn’t keep my dick in my pants when I needed to.

If I hadn’t touched her and kissed her and erupted like a volcano on that trip, there wouldn’t be any salacious photos floating around at all.

She deserves so much better.

“I’m telling you, I’ll find a way,” I promise darkly, though the words are empty and we both know it.

“You don’t have to do this alone,” she says. “We’re both in this.”

Maybe so, but dammit, we shouldn’t be.

I hold her tighter, ignoring the widening distance she puts between us.

I can’t reach past the blankness in her eyes.