Page 148 of One Bossy Disaster

This is fine.

Totally normal behavior, and not even a little bit date-like.


I really cannot go around thinking Shepherd is treating me like adate.

We’re not dating.

We’re not even screwing anymore.

This is purely a work meeting until it isn’t.

“Thanks,” he says smoothly. “I designed it myself.”

“Wait, what? You’re an architect too?”

“I’m demanding. I hired the right people to make my needs a reality.”

No argument there.

He flips the steaks over. “None of the other houses I looked at had what I wanted, so I had to build it. It only took a hundred hours of my life with sketches and consultations and corrections.”

I have to grip the counter with both hands.

Is therenothinghe isn’t good at?

“It paid off. This place is drop-dead gorgeous.”

Molly lets out a loud yip of agreement that bounces off the high ceilings.

His next glance is assessing, but he just nods.

Deftly, like he’s heard it a thousand times, and maybe he has.

This is a home that deserves to be shown, though he’s so private I can’t imagine he would.

I watch him slather the steaks in green sauce, line asparagus neatly on the side, and then spoon rosemary-scented potatoes onto the plate.

My mouth waters.

After animals and the ocean, my next dearest love might just be food. I’m not ashamed of it either.

“You don’t have a chef?” I ask as we take our places on the island, opposite one another.

“No. No staff,” he answers.

“None at all?” My eyebrows go up. Even Dad keeps over a dozen people on payroll just to manage everything when he owns several properties and travels a ton.

“A few cleaners come in twice a week, just to help stay on top of things. There’s also my personal security specialist, Hank, now interning with Enguard Security out in California. I don’t skimp on my safety.”

I stare at him, waiting for more that seems to hang in the air.

It makes perfect sense that a man with his money who heads a world-class home security company would have strong personal protection. So why does it feel like more than that?

He reaches down to scratch Molly’s head before I can ask.

I don’t know if it’s me, but his voice sounds a tad wistful. A tiny bit lonely.