Page 145 of One Bossy Disaster

Or was it who we really are, away from prying eyes?

Shepherd the stonehearted supergrump, a front for the warm, passionate man underneath.

The person he showed me was so kind. So gentle. So open.

He touched me so reverently.

Like there’s this hidden warmth under the surface just longing to be kindled. And at night, that heat boiled over, branding me for life.

“Focus,” I whisper, pinching my wrist. “Stop. Dwelling.”

You know it’s bad when you have to talk yourself down from obsession.

But yes.

That was then.

And now, for some unholy reason, he’s invited me to his house, and yes, I want to go.

But this is a strategy meeting and nothing more.

Not another huge mistake waiting to happen.

Not another chance to bare my heart to Shepherd Foster, and let his burning, honest soul consume me.

* * *

Good Lord,Shepherd’s house isgorgeous.

It’s a pretty big contrast to the iron and glass cage he lives in downtown, all light teak wood and modern curves and arches with thoughtful finishes.

The floor looks like it’s been sculpted out of one massive piece of dark granite. The dark contrast with the walls makes this soaring space with the high ceilings seem intimate and shadowed.

Masculine, but not overbearing.

I’m no stranger to fine hotels and ostentatious homes, growing up like I did, but this...

This place takes my breath away.

Sweet Jesus, save me.

It’s so freaking masculine my mouth dries up and my heart flips over.

If it wasn’t for Molly pulling insistently at her leash, I’d enjoy the view longer.

“Hello?” I call. “Anybody home?”

I’m pleasantly surprised and a little weirded out that a man who owns a major home security company doesn’t lock his door, even if the house is surrounded by a gate with a digital intercom screen that must go to someone manning it twenty-four seven.

“In the kitchen!” Shepherd calls right back. “Come down the hall.”

I fully mean to head straight down to join him. But as I walk the wide hallway flanked with golden sconces glowing like artificial torches, I get distracted.

The house is actually a proper ring around a glass-walled atrium full of wild growth and greenery. Is that a breakfast nook hidden in the flowers and trees?

Be still, my heart.

A stone path leads outward, splitting the house neatly in one spot as it leads directly down to the waterfront.