Page 82 of One Bossy Disaster

Frankly, I’m astonished my heart hasn’t exploded yet, let alone my head.

Because when she unzipped right in front of me, I thought I was about to have a cardiac event.

Wouldn’t that be a nice surprise for Hannah to deal with? My dumb, dead ass coming home in a body bag and a scandal-ridden company in chaos.

When all the blood in my body rushed south, it’s easy to mistake it for a heart attack.

My semi became a full raging hard-on, and I was boiling with so much sexual frustration I could hardly string two sentences together.

She bends over further, revealing a full view of her ass, still clad in her too tight wet suit.

Goddamn, it’s finer than a Georgia peach.

Forbidden fruit incarnate, made to lure me to sin.

I force my eyes to the front. Away from Destiny and her perfect ass and any rabbiting thoughts about seeing her naked.

Nope. Nah. Never.

I just need to get my body on board with my brain.

I stalk away from her, taking a few more paces toward the shore so there’s no chance she sees what she’s done to me.

Specifically, the evidence that I liked what she’s doing more than I could ever deny.

There’s no damn room in this wet suit. My erection presses uncomfortably against the material.


Hold it.

Change positions.

Then she moans a little, the same way she did when I first started massaging her. I practically lose it there and then.

Mind over blue balls.

Head over hormones.

Discipline over arousal.

Exercise does that, regrettably, releasing torrents of raging endorphins.

Probably why I lost my wits and kissed her. Or she kissed me. Or what the fuck ever.

It’s definitely why I was so keyed up when I touched her, why she opened her legs for me, and—


Stop thinking about touching her, numbskull.

Yeah, easier said than done.

Shifting, I push my hands against the ground to straighten the tired muscles of my lower back.

I rivet my eyes to the beach as long as I can until I hear Destiny moving.

A quick glance in her direction tells me she’s still following the same stretching regimen. And the fact that she’s shed her wet suit, exposing the red bikini underneath.