Page 237 of One Bossy Disaster

“The future, Miss Destiny.”


“Is there any other way?” I’m screwing with her, but I hide the nerves behind my question.

The tiniest hint of a smile curls the corner of her mouth. “After everything we went through... yes, Shepherd. I think we’d better do the rest together.”

I grin like a deranged fool.

“There’s something I need to tell you. I meant to find the perfect place—actually, I haven’t known you long enough to plan it properly, and I want to do right by you, but...”

Fucking hell.

Why am I tripping over my own words?

There’s nothing as right as having her in my arms.

“I know.” She smiles and leans up to kiss me.

The feel of her lips on mine is an explosion, glowing with pure bliss.

“I love you, Destiny Lancaster. You’ve heard it before, but it’s important I say it when we’re alive and well,” I say against her mouth. “Love you, woman. So much I can’t remember life before I did.”

“I know, I know,” she whispers sweetly, pulling back to give me a teasing grin and eyes shining with relief.

Yeah, fuck me, there’s nothing I wouldn’t do for this woman.

No pain too great.

No burden too heavy.

No mountain unturned.

It’s not just her body or her mind.

She’s more than walking sunshine and a giving soul.

Like me, she’s suffered, and she knows what to do with it. She’ll feed that energy into fixing the world, and she has the passion to do it, too.

I just want to be by her side while her dreams come true, piece by blazing piece.

Maybe, in time, those dreams will merge with mine.

Her lids lower as she watches me.

Sexy, yes, but so intense it burns me to my core.

My heart doesn’t know what to do with this look.

I just know I feel every booming thud bone-deep every second she looks at me.

Hot intent scorches her eyes, dousing me in flames.

I’ve never doubted her, even when I had my head stuffed up my own ass, thinking she was too young and pure.

Now I know better.

Before she says the words,I know.