Page 130 of One Bossy Disaster

Worse, they’ll think that a rich, powerful man like Shepherd Foster would totally screw a hot girl nearly half his age who threw herself at him for favors.

Especially after what happened with Vanessa Dumas, piggybacking on the very scandal he’s tried so hard to bury.

I barely notice she’s still talking, wishing she’d shut up.

“...but maybe you think good-girl Destiny would never do something so spicy,” Meghan says maliciously.“Oh, I thought so, too. I wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt when she’s all about cute animals and she rocks that whole do-gooder vibe. But, well, there’s that pesky evidence—and this evidence doesn’t lie.”

New pictures flick across the screen that stop my heart.

Pictures of us together.



Smiling and laughing through various stages of our trip.

They’re all aerial shots, so it must be drone footage, but how?Who?

Did someone hack the drone Shepherd brought along for our otter tracking?

I shake my head, trying to force answers into place that don’t fit.

It really doesn’t make sense.

Virtually no one knew we weregoingon the trip. I made a note not to tell anyone at the office, and I think Hannah Cho is the only one who knew there.

I can’t imagine her backstabbing him like this when she’s been a loyal soldier forever.

Even Lena, who looked after Molly this weekend, didn’t know what I was away doing. It’s common enough that she doesn’t ask many questions.

I exhale a shaky breath as the pictures flick past.

I’m just waiting for a series of X-rated pics to turn up, but miraculously, they never do.

If it wasn’t for the night and the tree cover, there’d probably be way more damning photos. This is just proof we were out there alone, close and intimate.

And that final shot that’s half-obscured by some brush, but not enough to hide the fact that we’re kissing...

Oh, God.

Dread crawls up my throat, coppery and bitter.

I wrap my arms around Molly and press my face into her furry chest as a darker thought hits me.

There’s no obvious suspect with the right motive and access.

That means Shepherd will think I did this.

That’s the bottom line.

The only explanation that makes sense, at least to him. No one elseknew.

How could he not assume I lied to this face, and this was all a treacherous stunt to ruin his reputation for clout? Another character assassination.


Crap crap crap crap crap.