Page 126 of One Bossy Disaster

A day or two of downtime, and this ache in my chest should recover. I’ll start to forget all about the grumpy billionaire and our otter excursions.

Time heals all wounds, they say.

...yeah, I don’t believe it either.

“I’m not much for goodbyes,” he says evenly.

“Yeah. Right. I guess this is it.”

“Will you be in tomorrow morning?”

Oh, boy.

Is that hope in his voice?

“I’m no slacker.” It’s my turn to roll my eyes.

He smirks. “You were awfully stiff this morning and you don’t have to be in the office. You can do the grant work remotely.”

“Well, I need a focused workspace if I want to make this proposal shine. I’ve still got the board to wow, even if I’ve sold you.”

I’m also trying like hell not to think about the sinful way he massaged my battered muscles that led to so much more.

“So, yeah, I’ll probably be in,” I repeat.

He nods, serious and unreadable again.

“Good. The hard part is over then. I’ll email you my personal recommendation with the drone flight data. If your presentation doesn’t convince them, that will.” He sticks out his hand. “Goodbye and good luck, Destiny Lancaster.”

Oh, God.

We’re doing this.

Shaking hands.

Touching for the very last time.

Come tomorrow, we’re back to being philanthropist rockhead CEO mentor and overly sensitive program apprentice again.

Nothing more.

I guess he’s just preparing for the frozen distance with an impersonal handshake.

Except, as his fingers close around mine, it’s the most sexually charged handshake in human history.

Help me.

I have a problem.

There’s nothing sexy about basic handshakes.

But my heart rate spikes halfway to Jupiter, and I give him a professional nod before inhaling and stepping back, releasing his hand. Or maybe he releases mine.

All I know is, I’m so cold and my hand feels sweaty and I can still feel his calloused palms against mine as I rush away, trying not to tear up.

Thank God his back is already turned, and he’s heading back to the boat to grab his own kayak.

I watch him for a single second with one hand on my car door before I tear my eyes away.