Page 115 of One Bossy Disaster

“It was pure impulse, yeah. It overwhelmed us in the moment,” I say carefully.


“Since we also agree that the attraction was mutual, we can be clear about what it was and wasn’t.” I hope it makes some sense to her because it isn’t computing for me.

My brain still can’t believe I’m having this conversation.

“I guess it’s kinda pointless, trying to deny it,” she says, pressing her lips to my collarbone.

The kiss feels so casual, so affectionate, so natural.

It renders me fucking speechless.

“Right or wrong, this can’t continue. As soon as we get back to Seattle, this can’t happen again,” I grind out.

“Understood,” she whispers.

“Not ever,” I say firmly, mostly because my dick is taking a horrible amount of convincing right now. “Also, I appreciate you saying you’ll keep this discreet. I had no business complicating your life, yet the fact that you’re willing not to mess up mine more than it already is means a hell of a lot. Thank you.”

“It’s cool, I... I know,” she says, shifting in my arms.

I press my jaw against her hair.

Damn, her scent floods my nostrils again.

Coconut and sea salt and something quintessentially Destiny.

“But it’s fine, Shepherd. Really and truly. I don’t drag things out publicly, no matter how ugly it gets. I’m not Vanessa Dumas.”

No kidding.

I’m starting to believe her in a way I never did with Dumas.

The hand I have on her waist itches, hounding me to explore more of her.

There are so many dips and curves, so many virgin places I haven’t mapped yet with my mouth.

Last time was too fast, too explosive, all animalistic need and primal itches.

Since we’re not back in Seattle yet, there’s time.

I want her again and this time I’ll devour her as fast as I damn well please.

She wiggles closer, twining her legs with mine. It’s like she can read my mind.

Her knee brushes my hard-on, and then there’s no hiding it.

“Destiny, fuck.”

What else can I say?

She knows I’m as hard as diamond.

What man wouldn’t be with a blonde angel wrapped around him?

An angel he has roughly one more day with to squeeze an entire lifetime of crazy sex into.

She grins, twisting so she looks up at me.