Page 113 of One Bossy Disaster

Unfortunately, I care about hurting her.

Although she tries to hide it under her bravado, I get the distinct impression that her feelings are raw. Sensitive. Exposed and questioning.

That last one is a meat hook to my heart.

“Because I can’t let it be a problem for either of us, Destiny,” I venture.

“I don’t want problems,” she agrees quickly, breathing again. “Not for you or me or for your company.”

“Then there’s nothing to regret, is there?” I stare at her.

She shifts so her head rests better on my shoulder.

Damn, I should really let her go now, but there’s something horribly reassuring about feeling a beautiful woman’s flesh on mine.

It’s been so long.

I can’t remember the last time I allowed myself this indulgence.

“Are you cold?” I ask, noticing the tremble in her shoulders.

“No. You?”

I shake my head.

“I guess I’m just processing.” She laughs a little then, her breath warm against my skin. “That turned me inside out, I’m not gonna lie.”

“You’re not half-bad,” I agree, biting back a smile.

“Look, I know you probably haven’t been with a girl since Abe Lincoln was President, but FYI. 'Bad' can’t be in your vocabulary after sex like that.” She smacks my cheek playfully. “Now do you think we scared the otters?”

Little brat.

I can’t resist touching her, palming the dip of her waist, feeling how fragile and perfect she is against me.

For such a slip of a woman, she took my cock like she was made for it.

Even now, seeing her naked almost does me in, obliterating what’s left of my well-worn sanity.

Knowing she was so wet for me made it even better.

The desire in her eyes almost convinces me this is something weshouldbe doing.

Like she wasn’t sleeping with me for attention or because she was temporarily overwhelmed with the excitement strumming every nerve.

Fuck, why can’t I let her go?

It’s been a long damn time since I let anyone in like this.


On the goddamned barren ground, no less, but cuddling all the same.

And she’s not pulling away yet, finding her clothes, making awkward excuses for why she has to leave.

There’s a distant splashing sound that may or may not be the otters.

“I don’t think we scared them away,” I say. “Did you get all the pictures you wanted?”