Page 9 of Under Pressure

“I can’t…” she loses her breath because I start moving on her. My cock tunnels between the soft lips of her pussy and I make sure I hit her clit every time I move.

“You can. And if you want me to teach you, you will.”

I keep moving, using my body to scatter her thoughts and get my way. I see her eyes glaze over and stop.

“Nuh-uh. Pay attention, little star.”

She refocuses, but her hips aren’t being as good as she is. They dance against me, looking for more.

“You live here with me. Yes?”

“For how long?” Her words end in a strained moan.

“However long the lessons last.”

“So…oh, um, how long will that be?”

If I have anything to say about it, they never will never end. “Well now, you really can’t put a time range on it. You’ll need time to learn, time to practice, and time to apply what you’ve learned.”

Her eyes narrow. “You couldn’t just do it and get it over with.”

I pull back to stare down at her lowering myself to her breasts so I can brush my bare chest against hers. “Yeah, I could… if I was sixteen and didn’t know what I was doing. But I could also rush into you, leaving you in pain and crying, and that…” I run my hand down her body, “I won’t do, my little movie star.”

I drop a kiss on her nose and take in her look of horror my words have caused. I want her mouth but if I take it we won’t be talking and this is something that needs to be talked over.

“You asked me because you knew I would take care of you, make sure you enjoy it as much as I do. A lot of men wouldn’t do that for you. You realize I will.”

She licks her lips, “Okay.” I shoot her a questioning look wondering if she’s just saying it so I’ll go back to rubbing my dick on her pussy. “I’ll stay.”

This time there’s a certainty behind it that makes me believe she will. “Excellent.” I go back to rubbing the warm, wet heaven in between her legs. “Rule number two, no one else. This is between me and you. I’m your only teacher, your only practice partner - the only penis in your life.”

“For…,” she arches into me, “as long as the lessons last…right?”

I don’t answer her but swivel my hips so she loses her breath and those beautiful hazel eyes fog over. Her arms come up and hold me to her as I work her clit with the broad head of my dick until she’s gasping for air and arching into me so hard I worry she’s going to make a move that has this all ending tonight. Her eyes widen and then roll to the back of her head as her pussy pulses around the shaft of my cock so hard I can feel her entrance clamping down without even being in her.

I don’t waste time following her over the crest. My cock twitches as it floods her little pussy and the top of her mound as I keep up the rocking motion. She gasps at the feel of my release on her. I pull back enough that I can look into her eyes to find out if she realizes how dangerous this little learning experience can be but she only runs her hand down between us to swipe at the mess I’ve made.

She brings her hands up to look at my cum on her fingertips and I stiffen in her arms waiting. But the little troublemaker surprises the shit out of me by bringing her fingertips to her mouth and putting them in her mouth to suck them clean.

She catches my eye, “I want to know what you taste like too.”

“Oh Lucy, we’re going to have so much ‘splaining to do.” She gives me a quizzical look as I take her mouth and the fun starts all over again.

Chapter Nine



I expected to be…shy the next day but it’s hard to be timid when you’re having so much fun. Waylen is so funny and charming that there’s really no room for the negative. We spend the day goofing off, tossing the ball to Brownie in the backyard, swimming in the pool, and just…hanging out.

I like the fact he doesn’t just want to spend our time in bed. I want to learn but…I want to know it’s not just about the sex. It makes me feel like it means something to him and it’s not just a way to get his dick wet. Plus, I’m not sure I could go through with it -all the way- if I didn’t have a chance to know Waylen better. Maybe he can sense that and is doing all he can to put me at ease.

We’re both in the kitchen fixing dinner when Waylen starts ‘helping’ me with the vegetables. He starts by putting his arms around me and whispering in my ear while I’m peeling a carrot.

“You know, little star,” my lips tilt up in a grin. I have to admit, the nickname’s growing on me. “The way you’re holding that carrot makes me remember…”

He turns me around in his arms and takes the knife and carrot out of my hands as he gives me that intense stare that I’m beginning to learn means he wants me.