Page 12 of Under Pressure

“I wouldn’t have to be a bitch if you understood the word no. She even tried to be polite about it, but you can’t understand the words that are coming out of her mouth. Probably a statement concerning your education level but still…”

“Did she just insult his intelligence without actually using the word?” I overhear Angie ask Birdie, who just gives her a nod.

“Someone ought to teach you a lesson.”

“No thanks jerk-off I already have a man to teach me what I need to know.”

The man goes for me as Birdie ducks under him and starts making calls. I don’t need to guess as to who she might be reaching out to. I have time to stand before he is grabbing for my arm which pisses me off to no end. You don't touch someone unless they give you permission and this man doesn't have it!

“Look woman…”

God, I hate it when they use words like woman and bitch in such condescending ways. It sends me to a level of pissed-off I don’t think anything else can send me to. I waste no time giving him a good swift kick in the balls.

“Now we’re both ‘women’ since you won't be able to find your balls ever again.”

But fuckknuckles like him always have backup. And before I know it I’ve kicked another one in the nuts and broken a beer bottle over the head of another one. I am doing pretty good fighting the four men off when the door to the bar swings open and in steps my man looking for all the world like an avenging hero. Well, damn! This is just going to prove him right about me loving trouble, damn it.

I give one of them a quick kick before I’m lifted off the bar where I had gone to have the high ground and thrown over a very broad, very familiar shoulder.

Chapter Eleven



“Oh Lucy…you got some ‘splainin' to do.”

“It wasn’t her fault. Some guy wouldn’t stop hitting on me even when I told him no.” She turns to give big puppy dog eyes to Gareth.

“So you thought you’d what? Start a barfight to even the score? Teach them some manners?”

“Fuck yes!” I swat her ass but instead of being properly tamed she just rears up and gives mine a smack. I have to hide my grin behind a serious look as our eyes meet over my shoulder. Damn, I love how feisty she is.

“And you thought the bar would be the place to help you teach them?”

“I wanted the high ground…like Obi-Wan. He won his fight. Ooh, maybe I should have used fire.”

Gareth tilts his head back and starts laughing his ass off. I try to fight a chuckle but can’t stop my lips from going up in a big grin.

“Did she just reference…?”

“Oh yeah! She’s a hellva woman, ain’t she?” I wiggle my brows at Gar making him laugh out loud again. This time so hard he has to hold his side as we walk out of the bar.

“Wait…" Birdie stops everyone from leaving, "Brook isn’t going to get in trouble for starting that fight and breaking things…is she?”

Gar gives Birdie a hot look that reminds me of the looks I give my woman. He loves the fact she's so sweet as much as I love the spiciness of my girl, “The bar owner owes us a favor for helping him with some shit that went down here a couple of years ago. He won’t be Brook’s problem… Waylen will.”

He takes her back to his car, and I finish carrying my little movie star to mine. She doesn’t say much as I drive us back to the house…our house. When we pull in she finally turns to me and stares into my eyes.

“Are you mad at me?”

“No.” I give her the truth. “I’m proud of you for sticking up for a friend, watching out for her.”

I give her a minute to think about my words before I continue, “But I also want you to be careful.” She sits straighter in her seat, and I can tell I’ve pissed her off, so I keep going. “I'm certain you can take care of yourself but…Brook…I need you to be careful…for me.”

I wrap my palm around the back of her head so I can pull her closer to me and take her mouth with my own. “I need you to be safe. I wouldn’t be alright if something happened to you.”

I need her to realize what I’m saying to her without really saying the words I know will scare her. At least for now. Words about wanting to keep her, wanting to wake up to her sweet face and body every morning and sleeping with her in my arms every night, that I love her.