This is awkward.

Should I log off?

Finally, he shifts forward to grab something before settling back. He wipes his cum off with what looks like tissue and tosses it to the side. “Thank you. That was incredible. You were.”

Warmth fills my chest at the simple compliment. Thank God he said something because I have no idea what I would have managed to come up with that wouldn’t have made me sound totally lame. “It was.”

The guilt I was expecting doesn’t appear. Instead, a sense of relief fills me for the first time in a very long time. I got what I needed, what I’ve been looking for—something dirty—from a man I’ve never even met.

I can’t believe I’m going to say this…

“Maybe we should do it again sometime?”

He pauses for a second, as if considering his options. “In person?”

Holy shit.

I hadn’t meant that, but now that he’s mentioned it, would it really be that bad an idea? We live in the same area. We’re both consenting adults.

Why shouldn’t we get together and enjoy ourselves a little?

It doesn’t mean we have to do anything. I’m not looking for a fuck buddy, but HRD4U seems like a genuine guy, and as long as we meet in public, I can always walk away if it’s weird.

There would be no strings attached. No expectations. Just a meeting.

“Okay.” My voice wavers a little. “We can do that. But I think we should meet somewhere public.”

I need to be careful. He seems sweet and charming, but so did Ted Bundy. And Jeffrey Dahmer fooled a lot of people, including the cops, for a very long time. I need to protect myself and make sure I’m not arranging my own death.

That’s a little morbid, but still.

“Good idea. Tomorrow night? At The Shed?”

The Shed is a good idea. Busy. Always lots of people. Very public. Plus, they have great drinks and food, and there are plenty of things to do—pool, darts, even board games at the tables. It’s a popular place for a reason.

I release a relieved sigh. “That sounds good. What time?”


“Six, it is. How will I know it’s you?”

It’s not like he can drop trou and swing his massive length around until I see it and reveal myself. Though that image makes me chuckle softly.

He shifts his position, making all his hard muscles flex again. “I’ll be in a blue button-down and jeans.”

I need to wear something easy to spot, so we aren’t wandering around looking for each other all night. “I’ll be wearing a red shirt.”

“Perfect. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.” He pauses for a moment. “Unless you want to go another round?”

His cock stirs to life almost instantly at the words, and I grin as I reach over to my nightstand for my B.O.B.

“I could definitely go another round or two.”

“My kind of girl.”

My kind of guy.