My hands clench so tightly on the arms of my chair, my knuckles actually ache. I shake them out and rest them on my lap.

Try not to look so worried. Bob will know something’s up.

Especially if this jackass next to me keeps making sexual innuendos.

Bob is not an idiot. If Bash continues with his cocky flaunting of this in front of him, I’m going to end up fired. We both know that’s what would happen. They’re not going to boot Bash and potentially take a hit on his contract when they could get rid of me much cheaper and replace me with somebody who is probably more qualified, anyway.

I was a gamble. One that has paid off…

For now.

But who knows what’s going to happen in the playoffs? Who knows where I’m going to be able to take this team?

Unless we win the goddamn cup, there will be people calling for my replacement.

It doesn’t matter what I’ve accomplished. And if word of Bash and me hits the media, I’ll be a fucking laughingstock. I’ll never get a head coaching position again. Maybe not even an assistant coach job. I’ll end up coaching college or hell, maybe some kids at a local ice rink back home.

My hands start shaking on my lap, and I clasp them together and force a smile at Bob.

He grins. “So, I can expect more of the same in the coming games?”

I nod. “We don’t need any more dirty play.” I glance at Bash, and his mischievous eyes connect with mine. Any concern about what Bob was going to say has dissipated and been replaced by his typical arrogance and playfulness. “And Bash has assured me he’ll be on his best behavior during the playoffs.”

He flashes me a grin—one that is always a precursor to very not good behavior. The kind of not good behavior that ends up with me naked and his cock buried inside me.

I clench my thighs together against the ache there. Even when I’m terrified of losing my job and sitting in front of my boss, Bash Fury still manages to turn my body into a quivering mess of need.

When did I become such a wanton slut? When did I let a man convince me to risk my future career just because he’s good with his dick?

Bash winks at me. “I’ll be on my best behavior, but even those who are best behaved get dirty sometimes.”

Anger tightens my skin, and a warm flush spreads over my cheeks.

This asshat is going to get us caught.

Bob chuckles. “I’m so glad the two of you are getting along.” He motions for us to rise. “Even joking around now. I love it.”

If he only knew.

We both stand, though Bash seems a lot more secure than I do. My legs quiver under me, and I smooth down the front of my pants that don’t need any smoothing just to wipe off the sweat that’s forming on my palms.

Bob places a hand on each of our shoulders. “I knew you two would make a great team, if you gave it a chance.”

Bash laughs and winks at me again. “I did, too.”

Goddamn, that wink.

It makes me want to punch him in the fucking nuts and simultaneously jump on his cock. Truth be told, there’s a lot about Bash that brings me to the brink of violence, but what Bob told me during our first meeting has rung true—Bash isn’t a terrible guy at all. He’s the type of guy who, if we had met anywhere but on the ice, I would’ve ended up falling into his arms.

It’s just this situation…my position…it’s all so wrong.

Bob claps both of us on the shoulder before ushering us out of his office. “You’ve got practice in a little while. Can’t wait for tomorrow night.”

The first game of the playoffs and we’re facing the Wolverines. Number one in the division and the second-best record in the entire league. It’s going to be a fight with them. It always is. And they’re one of the teams that always manage to set off Bash the most. He just can’t seem to keep his cool with them, so this will be a real test of his willpower and his desire not to push things with me.

Bash motions for me to exit Bob’s office in front of him, and as I step through the door, he places his hand gently on my lower back. A familiar shudder runs through me, as does the memory of the last time his hands were all over me.

Was it only a few nights ago that we were in that hotel room and going at each other like wild animals? When he was kissing his way up my neck as he thrust into me with slow and long strokes…