She scowls at me over the top of the car. I push away from it, grab my bag from the trunk, and let her follow me inside the building, past the reception desk, and through the doors to the actual rink.

At least twenty kids between the ages of six and ten fill the space, some still pulling on their skates, others already out sloshing around on the ice with their tiny hockey sticks.

Greer’s eyes widen. “A youth league?”

I grin at her, and she follows me toward where Nancy and Russell wait, examining a clipboard.

Nancy glances up and waves at me. “Bash, you made it.”

I give her a hug and a quick peck on the cheek and shake Russell’s hand.

He grips my hand tightly. “Glad you could come, Bash. The kids are really going to love this.”

I offer him a reassuring smile. “Anytime I’m available, I’ll try to be here.”

Typically, these types of things are too hard to manage in my schedule, but with practice canceled, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to come help.

Greer’s gaze darts around the kids and back to Nancy and Russell. They both smile at her and wait for an introduction.

I usher her forward. “You both know Coach Waterson.”

Nancy claps excitedly and bounces up and down. “I can’t believe you got her to come.”

I flash my best innocent smile at Greer. “It didn’t take much convincing.”

She tosses me a dirty look and reaches out to shake Russell and Nancy’s hands. “I’m happy to be here. What do you need us to do?”

That’s so Greer…getting right down to business. She didn’t skip a beat, and this sort of thing is right up her alley. I knew once she saw the kids, she’d be on board one hundred percent.

Knowing her, she probably sees this as a way to cleanse herself of the filth from last night.

I chuckle to myself, and Greer turns to me with a raised eyebrow.

Nancy saves me. “This is so great. I’d like to introduce you guys to the kids and let them ask a couple questions, and then maybe you guys can give them a few pointers.”

“I’d be happy to.” I glance out across the sea of kids. “Anything you guys need.”

Greer watches me with something I’m not sure I’ve ever seen in her eyes before. I’ve definitely shocked her in the past, but this almost looks like adoration. Maybe she’s finally realizing I’m a decent guy underneath it all and good for more than incredible sex and scoring goals.

Or maybe that’s wishing for the impossible.

Russell motions toward the front desk. “You need skates?”

I hold up my bag. “I have mine.”

Greer takes a seat on one of the benches. “I need an eight, please.”

Russell runs off to get her skates, and Nancy turns her attention to helping one of the kids. They crowd together in little groups on the ice, and one small boy who can’t be more than seven skates toward the goal and makes a perfect slapshot straight into the net.

A grin pulls at my lips, and I turn back to find Greer examining the rink.

She glances up at me. “Do you do this a lot?”

I shrug and shove my hands in my pockets. “I used to help with one of the youth leagues in Chicago. I always had a good time when I could manage to get there, so when I moved out here, I got in contact with a few of them. Nancy and Russell asked me to come out a few times.”

“Well…” She shakes her head and holds up her hands. “I never would’ve expected this from you.”

Of course, she wouldn’t. Because she still sees Bash Fury as nothing more than who he is in a jersey.