“Black diamond apples,” Aella whispered.
Zeydan heard her nonetheless. “Indeed. They’re Kam’s favorites.”
Just then, Aella realized she was still holding his hand like a lifeline. She released him and missed his warmth at once. Eager to not examine such a weird reaction up close, Aella walked to the nearest tree and pretended intense interest in the apples.
“I shall leave you alone now,” Zeydan said behind her.
She turned. “No.”
Zeydan’s eyes widened minutely.
Ugh, you’re such a weirdo; Aella reprimanded herself. “I mean, er. If you don’t have something important to do, can you stay?”
Zeydan smiled. “I’d love to stay.” He pointed at the tree behind her with his chin. “Don’t you want one?”
Aella chewed her lip. “I don’t know if it’s allowed.”
Zeydan approached her slowly. She stayed perfectly still as he reached over her shoulder and plucked an apple from the tree.
“I’m sure Kamilla doesn’t mind a bit,” he said, handing her the apple. “But just in case, you can blame it on me.” He winked.
Aella laughed softly. It felt odd, but wonderful. It made her feel guilty, too, but she couldn’t help it. “Thank you,” she said, accepting the apple.
By silent agreement, they went to sit at the nearest bench. Aella could see the sun sinking on the horizon through the lush forest. She inhaled deeply, taking in the fresh scents of roses, apples, and forest into her lungs. The sky was purple-orange-pink with its last warm rays—
She turned to look at Zeydan with wide eyes. His face looked outrageously beautiful under the soft lighting.
“What?” he asked.
“You are not burning,” she blurted.
“Oh, that,” he said, completely unperturbed. “I’m what they call a Daywalker. I don’t burn under the sun like most purebloods and turned vampires do. And even they don’t turn to ash like in the movies.”
“I haven’t watched any vampire movies,” Aella admitted. “But… I was taught that vampires can’t be under the sunlight because the sun was made by God and they burn under His blessed light.”
“Because we are the evil spawn of Lilith,” Zeydan guessed.
Aella cringed, but nodded.
Zeydan shook his head, smiling ruefully. “We are not Lilith’s creation. We are her children because she adopted us when we were being exterminated by The Maker and his angels. Also, Lilith is perfectly capable of walking under the sun. So even if we were her blooded children, we would be no more or less allergic to UV light. It’s just the way our biology works. Generally speaking, of course. African and South American vampires are more resilient to UV light.”
Aella turned the apple in her hands, chewing on her lip. “I guess I should not be surprised that yet something else I was taught is a lie.”
“But you are,” Zeydan said.
“I am,” Aella admitted. She took a bite of her apple, barely tasting it, which was criminal because it was delicious. Her stomach was grateful, however. She’d barely managed to have some chicken broth and bread earlier. Mostly, she just wanted an excuse not to speak for a while.
Zeydan stayed quiet as well, admiring the sunset and the trees. The silence was not uncomfortable. It wasn’t loaded with reproach. Aella didn’t feel the need to explain herself.
Which is probably why she spoke after a while. “I wonder if there will be a day when I don’t feel so… lost.”
Zeydan turned toward her, jade eyes knowing. “There will be. And I know that feeling lost is scary, but sometimes you need to get utterly lost to find yourself. The journey will be tumultuous, but it’s all worth it in the end.”
Aella hoped he was right. She thought he might be. “Diana is my sister. Half-sister according to the DNA test. We have the same mother.”
It felt surreal saying it aloud. She had a sister. She wasn’t as alone as she thought. But why did she still feel alone?
“So I heard,” Zeydan said. “I can imagine it was a bit of a shock for you.”