A soft, hysterical sound escaped Aella. Unrelated people could look alike. She knew this. But Diana was like a prettier carbon copy of herself.
Her mind whirled. She didn’t want what Diana said to be true. Because then the Order was even more corrupt than Aella already knew. Because it would make Aella’s fear and hatred for vampires—which had lasted two decades until that fateful night—unfounded. And it filled her with shame.
Aella blinked to clear her blurry sight, feeling hot tears fall from her eyes. But like Diana, she wiped them quickly. “I don’t know what to think or say. I don’t know what I’m feeling.” Invisible hands squeezed her heart so hard she found it hard to breathe.
Diana lifted a hand, making as if to place it on Aella’s shoulder but letting it drop halfway. “I understand. Goddess, I understand what you’re feeling, Aella. I’ve been where you are and I know it sucks. If you want me to leave you alone so you can think for a while, I will. But I think you have the right to know the truth. I know I wish I had learned the truth long, long before I did.”
Aella examined the beautiful, earnest, heartbroken female in silence. What could she possibly say? No one had ever thought her worthy of the truth before. She had always yearned for it, but now that an unknown reality was slapping her across the face, she wanted to hide under the bed and never come out again.
Diana nodded. “I’ll leave for now, and if you want to see me again, if you want to hear what I have to say, let me know.”
Aella reached out and grasped Diana’s wrist with speed she didn’t know she possessed. Diana was warm. And the feel of her life force, her contained power, sent a flash of heat from Aella’s palm straight to her heart. Kindred, whispered an unknown voice inside her. Diana was kindred like Kamilla was. Aella knew it to be true in her sore heart. She squeezed Diana’s wrist a bit harder. “No. I don’t want you to go.” She turned to meet Kamilla’s worried gaze. “I’m sure the DNA test would only confirm what’s already obvious. But I still want it. Is that alright?”
Aella was 99% sure Diana was indeed her sister. But she’d rather be 100% sure.
“Of course,” Kamilla said at once.
Aella searched Diana’s blue eyes. “I want you to tell me your story. Our story.”
Diana’s shoulders drooped with relief. “I’m happy to hear that.”
“I’ll give you some privacy then,” Kamilla said.
Aella took hold of Kamilla’s right wrist just as Diana gripped the left.
Kamilla blinked at them both, half smiling. “Or not.”
“Best not,” Diana said.
Someone knocked on the door, startling both gargoyles.
Kamilla gently disentangled herself from Diana and Aella. “That must be the tea. Please sit before you fall over.”
Diana slipped an arm around Aella’s back and led her to the sofa by the fireplace.
Kamilla joined them with a tray carrying a ceramic kettle, delicate cups, cream, honey, and sugar. She served the tea, and then Diana’s story began.
Aella stuck her head through her ajar door, carefully listening to her surroundings. The wide hall decorated with pretty landscapes was clear. She could hear voices coming from the first floor, but not make out what they were saying.
That put Aella in a bit of a predicament.
The short nap she’d taken after spending hours talking with Kamilla and Diana had not been enough to clear her mind. She wanted to go to the garden and spend some time alone there. But she didn’t want to run into anyone. No one had forbidden her to go to the garden like Micah did when he punished her. Kamilla had insisted she could explore the mansion at her leisure, actually. But old habits die hard, and Aella preferred to not be noticed.
She bit her lip, thinking. Maybe she could jump down from the balcony. It wouldn’t be the first time she did something like that. But her stomach still ached, and she didn’t want to end up needing medical attention again. Or spend yet another day in bed.
Aella was still stunned to realize she’d spent over a day under medication-induced sleep. But she was grateful to be back to almost normal. And she would definitely ruin that if she broke her ankle—
“Is everything alright?” asked a familiar male voice.
Aella jolted, turning her head to find Zeydan leaving the room next to hers. He was dressed all in black—a T-shirt, jeans, and boots. It made him look casual and less intimidating than the night they met.
Her heart galloped as if she’d been caught doing something naughty. “Um, yeah.” She gingerly straightened and opened the door a bit more.
Zeydan examined her face.
Aella wondered why she didn’t feel as horribly uncomfortable as she normally did when someone looked at her so much.