Page 9 of Halfblood Deceived

Claudia handed Aella a small black purse with a long chain and squeezed her hand. “Be careful.”

Aella nodded. “I will be.”

Micah snapped his fingers and Aella hurried behind him as fast as she could while wearing the black ankle-killers. Really, why do women torture themselves this way? Aella wondered.

The males were waiting downstairs, clad in their leathers.

Isaiah politely averted his gaze.

Eli didn’t. He bared his teeth in a leering grin. He was obviously dying to say something, but Micah’s icy glare stopped him.

“Isaiah will drive you,” Micah said as they reached the end of the stairs. “The rest of us will be right behind you in the Escalade.”

Aella nodded just to placate him. He had given her the instructions thrice already, as if she were too dumb to understand.

Father Israel came from the library. His eyes did a full sweep of Aella’s figure that made her very grateful she had an empty stomach. He handed Aella a silver necklace that carried the sting of protective magic.

“Be brave, my child,” he said, blessing her.

Aella thanked him and put on the necklace. Her skin prickled uncomfortably, and she resisted the urge to scratch her neck or get rid of the thin chain.

“Let’s go,” Micah commanded.

Aella followed him and the others to the garage. A massive concrete construction that had a dozen vehicles—two black sedans and ten Escalades.

She found a small smile for Isaiah as he opened the door for her, dark eyes grave. He looked positively strange out of his casual clothes or leathers, but also very handsome in a black suit with a white shirt that made a beautiful contrast with his deep brown skin.

Aella got inside the car and tried to smother her nerves, but she failed. She supposed all lambs felt afraid when they were headed to the slaughterhouse.

* * *

There was a half-block-long waiting line outside the nightclub. The neon sign identified the place’s name as Lilith, which was appropriate for a den of perversion, Micah had said. The people illuminated by the blue neon lights were clad in elegant clothes. Most of the women were wearing outfits that were even bolder than Aella’s. That didn’t precisely reassure her.

“Aella?” Isaiah called.

She blinked, realizing he had said her name twice already. “Yes?”

Isaiah, his huge muscular body turned toward Aella, reached out a large hand, palm up. In its center, there was a platinum bracelet with a massive diamond.

“If you’re in danger, and we aren’t there to protect you, this bracelet can summon a dagger imbued with vampire-poisoning magic,” Isaiah explained. “Their hearts, necks, groins, and eyes are weak spots.”

“Micah said I shouldn’t have a weapon,” Aella said, reaching out and taking the bracelet, anyway.

“Just one more thing to add to the list of disagreements I have with your husband,” Isaiah said, sighing and closing his eyes for a moment. “Be careful, Aella. And if you feel like you can’t follow through, just leave, alright?”

“Everyone will be very disappointed,” Aella said automatically, her throat tight.

“Fuck that,” Isaiah all but growled, making Aella jolt. He rarely cursed. “This is wrong, and I won’t get tired of pointing it out. I’ll deal with them if need be. I don’t want you to get hurt.”

Aella nodded, placing the bracelet around her wrist. It sent a warm tingle up her arm. “Thank you, Isaiah.”

He shook his head. “Don’t thank me until you’re back home safe.”

Aella took a bracing breath. “Let’s get this over with.”

Isaiah dipped his chin, leaving the car to open the door for her. He gave her a meaningful look loaded with worry and a light shoulder squeeze.

Aella made her way to the front of the line, ignoring the huffs of several humans. The bouncer, a male that was almost a foot above Aella’s 5-foot-10, even with her heels, arched a golden brow at her.