Zeydan looked as stunned as Aella felt. Something was different about him. Aella examined him from his beautiful face to the black finely knitted sweater, jeans, and boots he wore. She found nothing amiss and yet was unable to shake off the feeling. He ran a hand through his heavy, silky, ink-black hair. Aella traced the movement with curious eyes, her hands tingling as she imagined what it would feel like to sink her fingers through all that hair—
What on Earth are you thinking? She scolded herself.
“Aella, you’re awake,” Zeydan said.
The sound of his voice made Aella inhale deeper for some unknown reason. “I am.” Her stomach chose that moment to growl like a lion. She wrinkled her nose.
“We were on our way to the dining room,” Kamila said.
Aella startled. Her attention had been so riveted on Zeydan that she’d managed to forget Kamilla even though her side was entirely pressed to the vampiress’ firm, warm body.
Zeydan approached. “Your legs are unsteady, I dare wager.” She nodded. He took a step closer. “Do you want me to carry you downstairs?”
Aella opened her mouth to say that Kamilla was about to do that, but what came out was: “If you want to.”
Where. Did. That. Come. From? She demanded of herself. Take it back!
But Kamilla was sliding Aella’s arm off her shoulders, and Zeydan was approaching, and Aella could do nothing but remember how to breathe as his powerful arm wrapped around her back.
Was that unknown tight sensation in her stomach fear? It didn’t feel like fear. But Aella didn’t have a name for it either.
“See you downstairs,” Kamilla said with a mysterious half smile, before all but vanishing from sight.
Zeydan searched Aella’s eyes, reading her intently. “Ready?”
Aella gulped and nodded. She’d been in Zeydan’s arms twice before. Why did it feel so different now?
Zeydan didn’t break eye contact as he bent to secure an arm under Aella’s knees and carry her with the same ease Kamilla had.
Despite her suddenly racing heart, Aella’s body went pliant in his arms. She breathed in his scent—cypress, bamboo, citrus, and light musk—and felt some of her tension unwind. He was solid and warm against her. His body heat bled through the thick fabric of her black hoodie.
Zeydan went down the stairs slowly, absorbing the impact so Aella wouldn’t feel even the slightest jolt. “How are you feeling?”
She swallowed. Her throat was dry. “Better, I think.”
“I’m glad,” Zeydan said, turning his face toward her, his jade eyes completely honest, his breath warm and clean against Aella’s cheek.
Aella didn’t know what else to say as they reached the bottom of the stairs, and Zeydan took them down a wide hall decorated with paintings of pretty landscapes.
She bit the inside of her cheeks as they approached wooden double doors, through which she heard several voices talking at once. The scent of roasted meat and freshly baked bread reached her nose.
Zeydan opened the double doors with his mind, entering a large space that combined a chef-worthy kitchen and dining area. The dark wood cabinets and light gray quartz of the counters were a perfect combination that made the copper appliances gleam. It was beautiful, but Aella barely paid attention. Her focus was riveted on the people occupying the table and the two beautiful blond males serving steaming food on trays. One of those was Kerian Davashkov, the vampire prince.
Gabby, Mari, and Luce were familiar and comforting faces. They looked a bit tired, but otherwise healthy and content. She recognized Lex. Kamilla had told her Lex’s twin was Evan. The vampire with intense brown eyes and a half frown was also familiar. She remembered Lex calling him Andreas. The others were strangers, but they seemed curious, not hostile.
Aella felt her eyes prickle as Zeydan gently placed her on the seat right next to Gabby, which allowed her a clear view of the kitchen, before taking his place right beside her. Luce sat across from Aella. Andreas and Evan bracketed Luce. Mari, her eyes curious on Aella, was next to Andreas, and beside her, there was a gorgeous tall fey female.
“You are okay,” Aella said to Gabby, letting out a relieved breath. “And so is the baby?”
Gabby squeezed Aella’s hand. “We are perfectly fine. Thanks to you and our princes, as well.”
Aella licked her parched lips and shook her head. “I didn’t—I froze. I almost stood there and watched him kill you three.” She met Mari and Luce’s gaze. “I’m sorry.”
Gabby squeezed Aella’s hand tighter. “You didn’t just stand there, Aella, that’s all that matters. I saw you fight for a few moments before I lost consciousness. We would have all died without you.”
Aella gulped, but the knot in her throat wouldn’t move. “I was cowardly.”
“For fuck’s sake, Aella,” Mari huffed. Aella lifted her eyes and met Mari’s scowl. The fey leaned forward in her seat. “No one can blame you for being frozen by fear when facing a fucking psychopath, alright? Certainly not any of us. Being afraid doesn’t make you a coward. And you defeated your fear to save our arses. That was fucking brave, girl. Give yourself some fucking credit.”