Zeydan pulled back slightly to meet her gaze. “You’re as delicious as I imagined, Aella.”
She smiled. “I’m glad. I was worried I wasn’t.”
He kissed her softly. “There is no need to worry, my Amazon. Your blood is as exquisite as your orgasms.”
She groaned, hiding her smile in his hair.
Zeydan chuckled and gently placed her on the bed, sliding free from her.
Aella let out a growly sound, tensing with an aftershock.
He exhaled, holding himself above her with one hand on the mattress. “Thank you.”
“What for? You did most of the work,” Aella teased.
He grinned, fangs flashing. “Nah. It was teamwork.”
She laughed softly, feeling boneless and drowsy. “Hmm.”
Zeydan kissed her gently, reverently, and stood. “Be right back.”
“Mm-huh,” she muttered.
The dark blue curtains ruffled rhythmically as if breathing in and out, letting in cool air. Aella wanted to crawl under the covers, but she was tired now. Tired and blissfully happy.
Zeydan returned with a towel.
Aella bit her lip as he gently cleaned her with the warm, damp fabric, but a little sound escaped. She was sensitive, almost too much.
Zeydan kissed the inside of her knee and left for the bathroom again.
Aella watched him go and idly wondered if she had a near-eidetic memory, too. He was such a work of art. She didn’t want to forget a single detail about him…
“Mm,” she murmured, opening her eyes to find him standing next to the bed—still naked. He lifted her with utter ease and moved the blankets with his mind before gently depositing her back on the mattress.
“I don’t usually sleep naked,” she commented.
“Do you want me to grab you some pajamas?” he offered.
Zeydan exhaled an amused breath and covered her with the soft, coconut-flowers-scented blankets. “Can I get into bed with you?”
Aella frowned, realizing that once more he had noticed something that made her uncomfortable without her saying a thing. Something she was not willing to talk about and shoved into the darkest corner of her mind where it belonged. Not tonight. I won’t ruin tonight. “Of course. I want cuddles.”
Zeydan grinned, and a second later, he was under the covers with her, drawing her closer.
Aella rolled to her side to see him better. Because he was gorgeous. Because he kept her anchored to reality.
He placed a lock of messy red hair behind her ear. “How are you feeling?”
Aella smiled. “Perfect.”
He kissed her forehead. “I’m glad.”
“So am I,” Aella said with a luxurious sigh. Her eyelids grew heavy. “Stay with me.”