Aroth granted Aylana a half smile. “Of course.” He vanished in a cloud of smoky power.
No complaints about being used as a taxi when Aylana is the one asking for a ride, eh? Zeydan thought.
“I should come with you—” Lex started to argue.
“No,” Zeydan interrupted. “You bloody shouldn’t. I am not allowing you to risk making Gabby a widow. You will meet your daughter, Alexander.”
Lex cursed, placing his hands behind his neck, but didn’t argue.
Gabby rubbed her belly, eyes swimming with tears. “I wish I could go with you. I wish I could help you bring our girl back home.”
The pain flooding Zeydan’s system rippled and twisted. “I know. I know.”
Luce sniffed but wiped her tears and fixed her father with a demanding look. “Help Uncle Zeydan rescue Aella. But come back, OK?” Her voice broke.
Andreas’s throat bobbed. He went around the desk and sank to one knee to hug his daughter. “I will. I promise.”
Luce held onto Andreas with all her strength, burying her face in his shoulder.
Goddess. This was one of Zeydan’s nightmares come true. He couldn’t afford to lose any of them. He couldn’t. And yet, he couldn’t reject their help. He needed to bring Aella back. Aella needed him and he couldn’t reject the help he needed to save her. But if any member of his family died…
He felt as if his heart were being torn into pieces. He couldn’t help but wonder how it was still beating.
Mari blinked and clenched her jaw to stubbornly keep her tears at bay. “I will make sure he stays in one piece, Luce.”
You can’t promise her that; Zeydan thought. But Luce knew that. They all did.
Gabby stood and approached Zeydan, wrapping her arms around him from his side—to avoid squishing her belly—and placed her head on his shoulder.
He kissed her warm forehead, inhaling her hair’s familiar herby scent.
Luce let Andreas go and all but zoomed toward Zeydan, hugging his other side.
Zeydan held her tightly. He couldn’t speak, but he didn’t have to.
Lex and Evan shared a bear hug.
“You better not die,” Lex said to his brother.
“I’ll do my best,” Evan promised.
Luce let Zeydan go, turning to Evan, who released his brother and knelt, opening his arms in invitation. Luce sobbed and collided with Evan so hard that she almost tackled him.
Andreas cleared his throat and blinked hard before leaving the room.
Luce let Evan go to hug Mari. “Be careful, Auntie Mari.”
Mari smiled at Luce. “Always, my little star.”
Zeydan half-reluctantly, half-desperately let go of Gabby and then followed Andreas out of the room.
His urgency grew, and he used his full speed to go get his armor and weapons from the locker room where they stored them. Kamilla and Diana were there, already changed and speaking in hushed tones. Zeydan left them to it, knowing all too well the need to reassure and be reassured. Knowing that Diana was suffering just as much as he was. They noticed his arrival but merely spared him a glance. He went into the furthest hall where his gear was and changed as fast as he could. Then he grabbed what he needed and left just as fast as he’d come in toward the hangar. He reached his destination a minute later. The underground, massive concrete construction was located under the tennis court. The lights affixed to the floor made the white jet glow.
Kerian and Dyson were in the cockpit of the jet already.
Seconds later, Andreas all but materialized next to Zeydan.
“We’ll get her back,” he said.