Page 263 of Halfblood Deceived

“Well, if you really want her to suffer, give me an hour with her,” said a male.

Panic chilled the blood in Aella’s veins, and saliva flooded her mouth.

Don’t freak out, don’t freak out, don’t freak out.

“Keep your cock in your pants, or I’ll tear it off,” the first female growled. Aella recognized that accented voice, too. That was Carina—the huge werewolf female who had started to work in Hecate a bit after Aella.

The male scoffed. “That thing is barely a person. What do you care—” A choked sound cut his words.

“I’ve heard the same from humans and gargoyles before, motherfucker!” Carina snapped. “I want that thing dead, but you won’t touch her.”

“Let him go, Carina,” said the woman in a southern drawl.

A body landed on the floor.

Aella spied through her lashes, seeing a dark-haired male coughing and struggling to stand up.

“I don’t understand why you put up with that bastard,” Carina demanded.

The woman clicked her tongue. “You are too sensitive. This is war, and we’ll take any soldiers.”

Aella felt movement near her, and then someone was pulling at her braid, forcing her neck back. She grunted. That hurt.

A familiar face came into view. “Did you really think I hadn’t noticed you were awake, slut?”

“A girl can hope,” Aella said, her voice raspy with thirst.

Brittany huffed and released her. “You’re not a girl. You’re a monster.”

Aella took in her surroundings. They were in a massive abandoned barn that smelled like mold and damp hay. The roof had holes through which grayish daylight and rain entered. There were puddles of water on the floor. Her eyes fell on a table right behind her three kidnappers, and her stomach dropped. There were metallic, medical implements, and bottles of drugs and potions.

“You are one of those people immune to irony, I see,” Aella said to Brittany. “You hurt my sister. You made her hurt Jessa, Reese, Rod, and Vaz. You are the monster.”

The blonde gave her a nasty smile. “I liked you better when you were pretending to be as innocent and weak as a mouse.”

“Well, too bad,” Aella drawled. “Because I like the new me.”

The male licked his teeth. “I’ll make her learn some respect.”

Carina punched the dark-haired male square in the face. “Shut the fuck up, Brian.”

He dropped to the floor on his side.

Aella recognized him now, too. She snorted. “You’re the asshole who was harassing Mac and left the club braying.”

The effects of the narcotic that loosened her tongue were long gone, but Aella couldn’t help herself. Apprehension, anger, and adrenaline bubbled up inside her, making her feel shaky and faintly nauseated. But also wickedly amused.

The werewolf wiped his mouth and got to his feet, eyes amber with rage.

Brittany frowned at her. “Why aren’t you scared? You are alone, in case you haven’t noticed. No one will come to save you.” She pointed at the necklace Diana had gifted Aella and the two broken pendants lying on a corner of the table. “Your little race traitor friends won’t come to your rescue.”

They’d also removed Aella’s coat and shoes, but nothing else, thank the goddess. She was still wearing her clothes and rainbow-colored socks.

And Brittany was wrong. Aella was scared. But she was also enraged. They had no right to hurt her. No right to hurt Diana and their friends. And the rage was winning out.

“Why are you doing this?” Aella asked. Despite everything, she wanted to make sense of this madness.

“Because gargoyles are monsters, aberrations,” Brittany said with impressive calm. “Kamilla Davashkov betrayed us all when she allowed you and your deviant sister to stay in our city.”