It feels good to be back to work, Aella thought.
A drunk human had tried to get handsy with her, and a group of werewolves refused to have her as their hostess, but she was still having fun. She was no longer used to doing nothing with her time and she genuinely enjoyed her work.
Most of her coworkers welcomed her back with kindness.
Her friends had been happy to see her. Rebecca had a list of audiobooks they just had to read.
There were several people Aella didn’t particularly get along with. Carina looked at her as if she stank. Jessa was never hostile, but she always kept her distance. And Aella had heard Leah grumbling about how she had no right to take a vampire male off the market. But Aella didn’t care.
Even Brittany had been unusually kind.
Aella was happier than she’d ever been.
She had a loving sister and friends who liked her despite her awkwardness. Andreas hadn’t scowled at her that much the previous afternoon when he came to Diana’s house to drag Zeydan away.
And Zeydan…
Aella sighed, smiling sappily as she cleaned a table and hummed the song the DJ was playing, much to Mac’s amusement.
She’d found Zeydan making lunch for her and Diana when she’d woken up well past noon the previous day. They’d spent some time chatting with Diana about nothing and everything until Diana had gone to work. As soon as her sister was out the door, Aella had pulled Zeydan in for a kiss. They’d barely made it to her room. Zeydan had kissed her until she was delirious with lust, and they’d tried… something a bit different.
Thank all the gods they’d both showered by the time Andreas arrived.
Aella was in her own little bubble of bliss, which is why it took her a moment to realize something was off with Diana. She was fighting with Jessa.
Aella made her way toward the bar. Her happy bubble burst as she realized Diana and Jessa were starting to draw attention even with the music and the flashing lights. It was a Friday, and they were swamped.
“… my problem is you,” Diana was growling at Jessa.
The werewolf female’s eyes were golden with rage. “Just stay the fuck out of my way, gargoyle.”
“You stay out of my way, puppy girl,” Diana sneered. Her eyes flashed red and her face was full of disgust, unlike Aella had ever seen.
“What the fuck has gotten into you, Diana?” Lupita demanded, arms crossed.
“Silence, witch!” Diana peeled her teeth at Lupita. “Before I sew your fucking mouth shut just like you deserve.”
Lupita drew back, dark eyes wide with hurt.
A low growl reached Aella’s ears.
Mac was standing beside her glaring at Diana. “Don’t you fucking dare, Diana.” Verdant magic flashed in Mac’s eyes. Her cheeks reddened with rage.
Aella’s stomach turned. “Diana. What’s going on? This isn’t like you.”
“Maybe it is,” Jessa hissed. “Maybe she’s been keeping it all bottled up. Maybe she’s always been this much of a bitch.”
Diana laughed, her eyes turning a solid, blazing red. “You don’t get to call me a bitch, bitch.”
“Diana!” Aella called. “Enough!”
Diana turned to look at her. There was raw anguish in her eyes and pain under her blazing rage.
Aella didn’t understand what was happening. Had Jessa said something to Diana to make her this angry? She’d heard several people throw horrible slurs at Diana and she’d never reacted like this. And Jessa had never used slurs before.
“Come with me,” Aella said, leaning across the bar to take Diana’s forearm. “Let’s go outside for a moment.”
Diana ripped her arm from Aella’s clutch. She was breathing hard, and her pale skin was taking on a gray color.