Page 249 of Halfblood Deceived

He immediately liked her. A smile tugged at his lips. “Of course. Thank you.”

Jasmine hummed, giving him a warning look, and then left, closing the door after her.

“Why was the nurse scowling at you?” Aella asked, covering her mouth as she yawned.

She was still paler than usual and looked adorably soft in sweatpants and a fluffy sweater. She’d told Zeydan those were the clothes she’d worn before changing for the ball. Zeydan had helped her braid her hair, and while he hadn’t done a bad job—he had plenty of practice with Gabby and Luce, after all—some strands had escaped and messily framed her gorgeous face.

Zeydan cupped her cheek, running his thumb across her freckled cheekbone. He didn’t want to ruin her humor, or put horrible thoughts in her mind. But he’d promised her honesty, and he’d give it to her. “I’m afraid Nurse Jasmine thinks I hurt you, and that’s why I won’t leave you alone.”

Aella’s eyes widened. She blinked. “What?”

Zeydan sat on the edge of the narrow hospital bed and took her IV-free hand in his. “It’s not rare that abusive people take their spouses to the hospital after they assault them and pretend to be very afflicted and worried.”

Aella’s face lost even more color. “I didn’t know that. He never took me to the hospital.”

Zeydan’s stomach dropped. Nauseating rage stormed inside him.

Fucking Hells.

He’d known that bastard, Micah, had abused Aella. He’d seen it with his own eyes. But now he imagined the many times that fucker had hurt Aella badly enough for her to need medical care.

He’d never been fond of torture. But now, he felt completely capable of breaking Micah’s fucking bones one by one and then slowly submerging him in a tub full of acid.

And despite everything, she trusts me, Zeydan mused.

He wasn’t sure he could have trusted someone again if he’d gone through the same horrifying, intimate violence Aella had. He noticed she was still wary of some things. She’d been nervous earlier when Zeydan had felt irrationally—stupidly jealous of Sebastian. He knew Sebastian had eyes for no one but Aylana. Fuck, he’d seen a beautiful vampiress invite herself to Sebastian’s lap a week ago when they were planning the opening of another club with Kerian in Kali. Sebastian’s shock had lasted for just one second. Then he had unceremoniously lifted the female off him with his telekinesis, dropped her to the floor, and warned her to never do that again.

Zeydan knew Sebastian liked Aella, but not like that. Same with Evan and even Kerian, who was a shameless rake but would never dare cross the line with Aella. And by the goddess, he would fucking remember that from now on. He would never growl at anyone who was just friendly with Aella again.

Aella avoided his eyes, completely awake now. “I usually heal fast. And one of the nuns at the infirmary of the mansion used to help me align my bones.”

A low growl crawled out of Zeydan’s throat.

Aella winced. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that.”

Stop growling, you fucking idiot! He mentally screamed at himself.

Zeydan cleared his throat silently. “No, I’m sorry for that reaction. You can tell me anything you want, Aella. I can understand that there are some things you might not want to share with me, and I won’t make you confess anything. I know you have Kamilla, Aylana, and Diana to talk about your past. But… just because I’m male, or because we are together, doesn’t mean you can’t tell me certain things, alright?”

Aella chewed on her lower lip. “You might look at me differently if I do.”

“I won’t,” Zeydan promised. He cupped her cheek, asking for eye contact. She inhaled deeply and granted it to him, eyes glassy with unshed tears. He swallowed hard. “You are and will always be one of the bravest people I’ve ever met. Nothing will change that.”

Aella blinked. “That’s not what I meant.”

Zeydan brushed her tears away. “If a partner feels repelled because you were abused, they don’t fucking deserve a minute of your time, Aella. And I hope with all my heart you grant me many more days, weeks, years, decades, and centuries, if it’s possible.”

Aella let out a shaky laugh, lips tilting up despite the tears rolling down her face. “You always know what to say.”

Zeydan huffed, leaning over to kiss her tears away. “I’m quite sure you’re the only one who thinks that.”

“Impossible,” Aella muttered, lifting her chin in silent invitation.

Zeydan kissed her lips gently, but firmly. “Your opinion might be a tad biased.”

Aella chuckled. “Maybe.”

The door opened, and someone cleared their throat.